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The artwork used here for illustration may not represent final product.
First Anthology: Two Great Flavors
Rich Loftus Web Writer
The First Anthology collections will be released in late March-early April. Players and collectors should find them in games, cards, comics and hobby shops for a (recommended) retail selling price of $32 each. Here is more information about exactly what you will find in the First Anthologies.
The First Anthology for the Star Trek(TM) Customizable Card Game(TM) is packed with value. It gives you rare, never before seen cards that give a glimpse into upcoming expansion sets, free card extras, latest rules supplements and a durable, attractive card storage box crafted to hold over 800 cards.
It contains two white border, 60 card Premiere starter decks, two white border Premiere expansion packs, two black border 15 card Alternate Universe expansion packs, two black border 15 card Q-Continuum expansion sets, and the rules for the basic game as well as Alternate Universe and Q-Continuum rules supplements.
PLUS, as an extra bonus, it includes one free 12 card Warp Pack, six free new rare cards (white border) previewing Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager expansion sets, and a special money back coupon.
While we can't yet show you the six preview cards, we'll list them by name.
From Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Quark Son of Keldar
Orb of Prophecy
From Star Trek: Voyager
Dr. Telek R'Mor
Thomas Paris
Ensign Tuvok
Then there's First Anthology for the Star Wars(TM) Customizable Card Game(TM).
It too contains incredible value. You'll get rare, never before seen cards (previewing an exciting upcoming expansion set), free card extras, latest rules supplements and a durable, attractive card storage box crafted to hold over 800 cards.
It contains two white border, 60 card Premiere Starter Decks, two black border 15 card A New Hope expansion packs, two black border 15 card Hoth expansion sets, and rules for Premiere, A New Hope and Hoth.
PLUS as an extra bonus we have included one free 11 card Jedi Pack and six free new rare cards (white border) previewing the Special Edition expansion set to be released later in the year.
Preview cards that will be contained in the anthology can't yet be shown, but here they are, listed by name:
Commander Wedge Antilles
Jabba's Influence
X-Wing Assault Squadron
Hit and Run
Death Star Assault Squadron
Boba Fett