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The Flash!
From Jason Winter :
December 1996

Strategies and tips for successful Q-Flash play

So, you got all those neat cards with a Q icon in the upper left hand corner and have no idea what they're supposed to be used for. Here are the two most basic instructions:

  1. Get a copy of the Q-Continuum rules sheet. They're available on this web site, as well as from our EmailBack system. You can send mail to with the subject QCRULES and you'll get them in a few minutes.

  2. You cannot, in any way, play these cards from your hand. The only place you can put Q-Icon cards is in your Q-Flash side deck, and they only way they may be played is via this side deck. If you do manage to get one in your hand (with a Palor Toff, for instance), you still can't play them.

Ok, let's assume that you've read the QC rules sheet and you have those two basic rules down. The next question is "What do I put in there?" At first, just like with any card, you'll be tempted to put in multiples of cards you want to be sure of. But there is an extra complication with the Q-Flash.

A Q-Flash (meaning one instance of encountering a Q-Flash seeded like a dilemma) follows the same duplcation rules regarding multiple dilemmas. As you know, if you find the same dilemma more than once underneath a mission, the duplicate is discarded without effect. The same holds true for Q-Icon cards. If you encounter the same one more than once in one Q-Flash, the extras are discarded, and that's a "wasted" card. But if you really want to make sure that card comes up, you'll want extras. And you don't want to run out of cards either. A few general suggestions:

  1. Go with about 10 Q-Icon cards per Q-Flash you intend to seed. This will keep your deck reasonably small while making sure that you won't run out.

  2. Look for cards that enhance your deck strategy. Capturing decks can benefit from the High Sheriff of Nottingham and Mandarin Bailiff. Combat decks should look at The Issue Is Patriotism or Military Privilege (but never Into The Breach!). If your opponent plays a speed game, slow him down with Q's Planet or Subsection Q. The "Eliminator" deck features Penalty Box, Frigid and Guilty -- Provisionally. And, for sheer annoyance factor, load up your deck with Scottish Setters, You Will In Time, Penalty Box, and Lemon-Aid.

  3. Stock about one of your "vital" cards for each 5 cards in your Q-Flash. Thus, if you are playing with a 30-card side deck, you would want about 6 of your main cards. Now, you're assured of getting one just about every time your opponent hits a Q-Flash, but you won't have much duplication.

Now that you know what to put in your side deck, the only remaining question is where to put the rest of your Q-Flashes. Since they work best when your opponent has many personnel, try setting up a combo involving a dilemma that requires many personnel. "Wall" dilemmas that require high attribute scores, such as Hologram Ruse, Shaka, Hidden Entrance, or Malfunctioning Door are good choices. Seed your Flash first, so that they will first encounter the dilemma. They will have to beam down a large Away Team to overcome it. Once they do, they'll be forced to continue and will be hit with the Q-Flash with at least five or six people in the Away Team.

That concludes our basic lesson on the Q-Flash. These strategies should get you started. In fact, I've only played a handful of games with Q-Flash side decks, so maybe you'll be able to suggest a few things I might have missed!

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