STAR TREK - The Next Generation Card Game Premium Set - 363 cards - 121 rare (R) - 121 uncommon (U) - 121 common (C) MISSIONS Avert Disaster (R) Cloaked Mission (U) Covert Installation (C) Covert Rescue (U) Cultural Observation (R) Diplomacy Mission (U) Evacuation (U) Evaluate Terraforming (R) Excavation (R) Explore Black Cluster (R) Explore Dyson Sphere (R) Explore Typhon Expanse (R) Expose Covert Supply (U) Extraction (R) Fever Emergency (C) First Contact (U) Hunt For DNA Program (R) Iconia Investigation (R) Investigate Alien Probe (R) Investigate Anomaly (C) Investigate Disappearance (R) Investigate Disturbance (R) Investigate Massacre (R) Investigate Raid (R) Investigate Rogue Comet (R) Investigate "Shattered Space" (R) Investigate Sighting (R) Investigate Time Continuum (R) Khitomer Research (R) Krios Suppression (U) Medical Relief (R) New Contact (R) Pegasus Search (R) Plunder Site (U) Relief Mission (C) Repair Mission (C) Restore Errant Moon (U) Sarthong Plunder (R) Secret Salvage (U) Seek Life-Form (R) Strategic Diversion (U) Study "Hole In Space" (R) Study Lonka Pulsar (R) Study Nebula (R) Study Plasma Streamer (C) Study Stellar Collision (C) Survey Mission (R) Test Mission (C) Wormhole Negotiations (R) DILEMMA Alien Abduction (U) Alien Parasites (U) Anaphasic Organism (C) Ancient Computer (R) Archer (C) Armus - Skin of Evil (R) Barclay's Protomorphosis Disease (R) Birth of "Junior" (U) Borg Ship (R) Chalnoth (U) Cosmic String Fragment (U) Crystalline Entity (R) Cytherians (R) El-Adrel Creature (U) Female's Love Interest (C) Firestorm (U) Gravitic Mine (U) Hologram Ruse (U) Hyper-Aging (U) Iconian ComputerWeapon (C) Impassable Door (C) Ktarian Game (R) Male's Love Interest (C) Matriarchal Society (U) Menthar Booby Trap (C) Microbiotic Colony (C) Microvirus (C) Nagilum (R) Nausicaans (U) Nitrium Metal Parasites (U) Null Space (U) Phased Matter (C) Portal Guard (U) Q (R) Radioactive Garbage Scow (U) Rebel Encounter (U) REM Fatigue Hallucinations (U) Sarjenka (U) Shaka, When The Walls Fell (U) Tarellian Plague Ship (U) Temporal Causality Loop (R) Tsiolkovsky Infection (R) Two-Dimensional Creatures (U) Wind Dancer (R) ARTIFACTS Betazoid Gift Box (R) Horga'hn (R) Interphase Generator (R) Kurlan Naiskos (R) Thought Maker (R) Time Travel Pod (R) Tox Uthat (R) Varon-T Disruptor (R) Vulcan Stone of Gol (R) INTERRUPTS Alien Groupie (R) Amanda Rogers (U) Asteroid Sanctuary (C) Auto-Destruct Sequence (U) Crosis (R) Disruptor Overload (C) Distortion of Space/Time Continuum (U) Emergency Transporter Armbands (C) Energy Vortex (U) Escape Pod (C) Full Planet Scan (U) Honor Challenge (R) Hugh (R) Incoming Message - Federation (U) Incoming Message - Klingon (U) Incoming Message - Romulan (U) Jaglom Shrek - Information Broker (R) Kevin Uxbridge (U) Klingon Death Yell (R) Klingon Right of Vengeance (C) Life Form Scan (U) Long-Range Scan (C) Loss of Orbital Stability (C) Near-Warp Transport (U) Palor Toff - Alien Trader (C) Particle Fountain (C) Q2 (U) Rogue Borg Mercenaries (C) Scan (C) Ship Seizure (C) Subspace Interference (C) Subspace Schism (U) Tachyon Detection Grid (C) Temporal Rift (U) The Devil (R) The Juggler (U) Transwarp Conduit (U) Vulcan Mindmeld (U) Wormhole (C) EVENTS Alien Probe (U) Anti-Time Anomaly (R) Atmospheric Ionization (C) Bynars Weapon Enhancement (R) Distortion Field (U) Espionage: Federation on Klingon (C) Espionage: Klingon on Federation (C) Espionage: Romulan on Federation (C) Espionage: Romulan on Klingon (C) Gaps In Normal Space (U) Genetronic Replicator (U) Goddess Of Empathy (R) Holo-Projectors (U) Kivas Fajo - Collector (U) Lore's Fingernail (R) Lore Returns (R) Masaka Transformations (U) Metaphasic Shields (U) Neural Servo Device (U) Nutational Shields (U) Pattern Enhancers (C) Plasma Fire (C) Q-Net (C) Raise The Stakes (U) Red Alert (C) Res-Q (C) Spacedock (C) Static Warp Bubble (C) Subspace Warp Rift (C) Supernova (R) Telepathic Alien Kipnappers (U) Tetryon Field (C) The Traveler: Transcendance (U) Treaty: Federation/Klingon (C) Treaty: Federation/Romulan (C) Treaty: Romulan/Klingon (C) Warp Core Breach (R) Where No One Has Gone Before (C) EQUIPMENT (70/11) Engineering Kit (C) Engineering Padd (C) Federation Padd (C) Klingon Disruptor (C) Klingon Padd (C) Medical Kit (C) Medical Tricorder (C) Romulan Disruptor (C) Romulan Padd (C) Starfleet Type II Phaser (C) Tricorder (C) FEDERATION Federation Outpost (C) FEDERATION SHIPS Runabout (C) Type IV Shuttlecraft (C) U.S.S. Brittain (R) U.S.S. Enterprise (R) U.S.S. Excelsior (C) U.S.S. Galaxy (C) U.S.S. Hood (R) U.S.S. Miranda (C) U.S.S. Nebula (C) U.S.S. Oberth (C) U.S.S. Phoenix (R) U.S.S. Sutherland (U) U.S.S. Yamato (R) FEDERATION PERSONNEL Albert Einstein (R) Alexander Rozhenko (U) Alynna Nechayev (R) Alyssa Ogawa (U) Benjamin Maxwell (U) Beverly Crusher (R) Calloway (C) Christopher Hobson (C) Darian Wallace (C) Data (R) Deanna Troi (R) Dr. La Forge (R) Dr. Leah Brahms (R) Dr. Selar (U) Eric Pressman (U) Exocomp (U) Fleet Admiral Shanthi (U) Geordi La Forge (R) Giusti (C) Hannah Bates (U) Jean-Luc Picard (R) Jenna D'Sora (U) K'Ehleyr (R) Kareel Odan (U) Leah Brahms (R) Linda Larson (C) Lwaxanna Troi (R) McKnight (C) Mendon (C) Morgan Bateson (R) Mot The Barber (U) Neela Daren (R) Nikolai Rozhenko (U) Norah Satie (U) Reginald Barclay (R) Richard Galen (R) Riva (U) Ro Laren (R) Sarek (R) Satelk (R) Shelby (R) Sir Isaac Newton (R) Sirna Kolrami (U) Simon Tarses (C) Sito Jaxa (C) Soren (U) T'Pan (U) Taitt (C) Tam Elbrun (R) Tasha Yar (R) Taurik (C) Thomas Riker (R) Toby Russell (U) Vash (R) Wesley Crusher (R) William T. Riker (R) Worf (R) KLINGON Klingon Outpost (C) KLINGON SHIPS I.K.C. Bortas (R) I.K.C. Buruk (R) I.K.C. Heg'hta (R) I.K.C. K'Vort (C) I.K.C. Pagh (R) I.K.C. Qu'Vat (R) I.K.C. Vor'Cha (C) I.K.C. Vorn (U) KLINGON PERSONNEL B'Etor (R) B'iJik (C) Ba'el (U) Batrell (C) Divok (C) Dukath (C) Duras (R) Fek'lhr (U) Gorath (C) Gowron (R) J'Ddan (C) K'mpec (U) K'Tal (U) K'Tesh (C) K'Vada (U) Kahless (R) Kargan (R) Kell (U) Kle'eg (C) Klag (C) Konmel (U) Koral (U) Koroth (U) Korris (U) Kromm (C) Kurak (R) Kurn (R) L'Kor (U) Lursa (R) Morag (C) Nu'Daq (C) Toq (U) Torak (U) Toral (U) Vagh (U) Torin (C) Vekma (C) ROMULAN Romulan Outpost ROMULAN SHIPS D'deridex (C) Devoras (R) Haakona (R) Khazara (R) Pi (R) Science Vessel (C) Scout Vessel (C) ROMULAN PERSONNEL Alidar Jarok (R) Bochra (U) Galathon (C) Jaron (C) Jera (C) Mendak (R) Movar (U) Mirok (U) N'Vek (U) Neral (U) Palteth (C) Pardek (U) Parem (U) Sela (R) Selok (C) Taibak (U) Takket (C) Tallus (C) Tebok (C) Tarus (C) Taul (C) Thei (C) Tokath (U) Tomalak (R) Tomek (C) Toreth (R) Varel (C) NON-ALIGNED SHIPS Combat Vessel (C) Husnock Ship (U) Mercenary Ship (C) Yridian Shuttle (C) Zibalian Transport (C) NON-ALIGNED PERSONNEL Amarie (U) Baran (U) Bok (U) Devinoni Ral (U) Dr. Farek (C) Dr. Reyga (u) Etana Jol (U) Evek (U) Gorta (C) Ishara Yar (U) Jo'Bril (U) Narik (C) Ocett (U) Roga Danar (R) Vekor (C) Collectors Note - This 363 card set was released in four versions - BB - Limited Edition (Black-Bordered) - Released Spring 1994 WB94 - Unlimited Edition (White Bordered) - Released Fall 1994 SB - Collectors Tin (Silver Bordered) - Released Fall 1994 WB95 - Unlimited Beta Edition (with corrections on 17 cards) - Released 1995 All of the WB95 cards are identical to the WB94 cards except 17 cards with minor corrections - the 17 corrected cards were; - Armus - Skin of Evil - Distortion Field - Emergency Transporter Armband - Evacuation - Firestorm - Giusti - Investigate Time Continuum - Khitomer Research - Lwaxana Troi - Mendon - Toral - T'Pan - The Juggler - Tsiolkovsky Infection - USS Oberth - Wesley Crusher - Wind Dancer