STAR TREK - The Next Generation Card Game As of 9/19/95, 369 cards available - 121 rare (r)/121 uncommon (u)/126 common/1 premium (p) This list includes Warp Pack cards, the premium card from the BradyGames Strategy Guide, and text changes to be included in beta white border cards. Please direct corrections or comments to (pts/affil) MISSIONS occ Requirements Span (40/Fed) Avert Disaster r Geol + Hon + Int>35 3 (30/Klg) Cloaked Mission u Nav + Dipl + Hon 3 (35/Rom) Covert Installation ENG + Ldrshp + Treach 3 (30/Rom) Covert Rescue u Dipl + Ldrshp + Cun>35 4 (40/Fed) Cultural Observation r Anthro + Ldrshp + Str>30 4 (30/Fed) Diplomacy Mission u Dipl + Int>30 + Cun>30 3 (30/Fed) Evacuation u Dipl x 3 + Str>35 3 (35/Fed) Evaluate Terraforming r MED + Bio + Exobio OR Geordi + MED x 2 3 (25/F-R) Excavation Arch OR Cun>32 3 (35/F-K) Explore Black Cluster r Stel Cart + Ldrshp OR Cun>50 3 (35/Fed) Explore Dyson Sphere r ENG x 3 + Nav + Comp Sk + Phys 2 (35/R-K) Explore Typhon Expanse r Astrophys + Stel Cart OR Cun>50 5 (30/Rom) Expose Covert Supply u Treach x 3 + Nav 4 (35/Rom) Extraction r Treach + Bio + MED 3 (35/Klg) Fever Emergency MED x 3 OR Bio + OFF 3 (30/Fed) First Contact u Dipl + Emp 2 (55/F-R-K) Hunt For DNA Program r Arch x 3 + CompSk + Bio + Ldrshp + STR>40 5 (35/Rom) Iconia Investigation r Arch + Comp Sk x 2 3 (40/Klg) Investigate Alien Probe r Anthro + Bio + Comp Sk 2 (30/F-R-K) Investigate Anomaly Exobio + Str>35 4 (35/Fed) Investigate Disappearance r Phys + Nav + Cun>40 OR Astrophy x 3 5 (35/Klg) Investigate Disturbance r Hon + Ldrshp + Int>30 OR Gowron + Bio 4 (35/F-R) Investigate Massacre r Dipl + Int>35 + Cun>35 3 (35/Rom) Investigate Raid r Exobio + Dipl 2 (30/Fed) Investigate Rogue Comet r Arch + Exobio + Comp Sk 3 (45/Rom) Investigate "Shattered r Ldrshp + Comp Sk + Astrophy x 2 + Stel Cart 5 Space" (35/F-R) Investigate Sighting r Emp x 3 OR Treach + Exobio + Cun>40 4 (35/Fed) Investigate Time r Guinan OR Data OR Time Travel Pod 3 Continuum (35/Rom) Khitomer Research r Honor x 3 + Comp Sk + Treach 4 (30/Klg) Krios Suppression u Honor + Dipl + Str>35 2 (35/Klg) Medical Relief r Bio + Exobio + MED 3 (40/R-K) New Contact r Dipl + Ldrshp + Emp + Anthro 4 (50/F-R-K) Pegasus Search r Nav + Dipl + Ldrshp + Treach + Integ>40 4 OR Interphase Generator (30/R-K) Plunder Site u Treach + Arch + Str>30 2 (20/R-K) Relief Mission Geo OR Phy 2 (35/Fed) Repair Mission ENG x 3 + Comp 2 (30/Fed) Restore Errant Moon u ENG + Astrphy + Ldrshp 3 (35/R-K) Sarthong Plunder r Arch x 2 + Str>40 3 (30/R-K) Secret Salvage u Treach x 4 OR Nav + Comp 3 (40/Klg) Seek Life-Form r Exobio + Astphy + ENG 3 (30/F-R-K) Sensitive Search Computer Skill + CUNNING>28 4 (30/Rom) Strategic Diversion u Treach x 3 + Str>30 3 (35/F-K) Study "Hole In Space" r Ldrshp + Dipl + Int>40 4 (40/Rom) Study Lonka Pulsar r Nav + Astrophy + Stel Cart 2 (35/Fed) Study Nebula r Astrophy + Stel Cart + Cun>40 4 (30/F-R-K) Study Plasma Streamer Astphy + Youth 4 (25/F-R-K) Study Stellar Collision Stel Cart 3 (35/Klg) Survey Mission r Stel Cart + Phys 5 (25/F-K) Test Mission Phy + Int>28 3 (45/F-R-K) Wormhole Negotiations r Dipl x 5 OR Honor x 4 OR Treach x 4 4 Type DILEMMA (44) occ Requirements PL Alien Abduction u Most CUNNING A.T. member (owner's choice if tie) is held captive by aliens until mission completed OR 3 Leadership present. PL Alien Parasites u unless INTEG>32, A.T. infected. They beam back and opponent immediately controls ship and crew until "stopped." Then turn resumes. PL Anaphasic Organism If Female(s) in A.T., the one with highest total attribute numbers resigns (is discarded), unless SEC + MED present. Discard dilemma PL Ancient Computer r Cannot get past unless 2 Comp Sk OR 3 SCI or 3 ENG present. PL Archer A.T. mem w/highest total attribute numbers is shot and dies unless SEC + MED present. Discard dilemma PL Armus - Skin of Evil r kills one A.T. member (random selection). Discard dilemma PL Chalnoth (5 pts) u Kills one A.T. member (opponent's choice) unless 3 SEC OR Str>40 present. Discard dilemma PL El-Adrel Creature u Attacks two strongest members in Away Team (owner's choice if tie). Kills one of them (random selection) unless their combined STR >16. Discard dilemma PL Female's Love Interest Female A.T. member (random selection) runs off with lover to furthest planet, where she remains. Can be rescued later. Discard dilemma PL Firestorm u All A.T. members w/INT<5 killed unless thermal deflectors OR A.T. escapes using Emergency Transporter Armbands. PL Hologram Ruse u Experience enemy hologram trick. You are tempted to divulge secrets. Impassable unless Int>30 + Cun>30. PL Hyper-Aging (5 pts) u Mission continues but entire A.T. is quarantined and dies at the end of your third full turn unless SCI + 2 MED present by then. PL Impassable Door To get through this door, A.T. must have Computer Skill present. PL Male's Love Interest Male A.T. member (random selection) runs off with lover to furthest planet, where he remains. Can be rescued later. Discard dilemma PL Matriarchal Society u Cannot get past unless at least 2 female A.T. members are present. PL Microvirus (5 pts) Kills 1 A.T. member (opponent's choice), unless MED + SEC present. Discard dilemma. PL Nausicaans u Three Nausicaans pick a fight. One A.T. member is killed (random selection) unless Str>44. Discard dilemma. PL Phased Matter A.T. is split into two Away Teams (owner's choice). Only the smaller team may beam up until ENG + SCI present. PL Portal Guard u Unless at least one A.T. member has CUN>7 OR Honor, the entire A.T. must abort mission and beam up or die. PL Rebel Encounter u Kills 1 A.T. member (random selection) unless STR>44 OR you bribe rebels first by discarding an Equipment card, if present. Discard dilemma. PL Sarjenka (5 pts) u Primitive alien begs for help. Ignore her (discard dilemma) OR help her and earn bonus points, but all Away Teams here are "stopped." PL Wind Dancer r To get past, Lwaxana Troi must be present OR at least one A.T. member must have: Youth OR Music OR STR>9. P/S Barclay's Protomorpho- r Entire crew or A.T. (except androids) de-evolves (dies) unless MED, sis Disease (10 pts) SCI and SEC present. Discard dilemma. P/S Crystalline Entity r Space mission: kills all life on ship unless SHIELDS>6 OR Music (5 pts) aboard. Planet mission: Kills entire A.T. unless SCI + MED present. Discard dilemma. P/S Q r If 2 Leadership + INT>60, discard all dilemmas here. Otherwise, Q allows opponent to rearrange spaceline locations. Discard dilemma. P/S REM Fatigue Halluci- u No one aboard can dream. Entire crew dies in 3 of your full turns nations (5 pts) unless 3 MED present OR ship returns to outpost first. P/S Shaka, When The Walls u Must have 2 Dipl + CUN>30 to communicate and proceed. Fell SP Birth of "Junior" u Place on ship. Range reduced by 1 each turn until 3 ENG aboard which discards "Junior" and restores range. If range=0, ship is destroyed. SP Borg Ship (45 pts) r Self-controlling ship (WEAPONS=24, SHIELDS=24). Start here. Attacks everything. End of every turn, moves 1 card toward and off spaceline's long end. Destroy for bonus. SP Cosmic String Fragment u Ship is sucked in and destroyed unless AstrPhy OR ENG OR Nav (5 pts) aboard. Discard dilemma. SP Cytherians (15 pts) r Place on ship. Ship must do nothing but travel to far end of spaceline at normal speed, When reached, discard dilemma. Score points. SP Gravitic Mine u Ship damaged unless SCI + Nav aboard. Discard dilemma. SP Iconian Computer Unless SCI present, re-boot by discarding all non-personnel cards Weapon in hand and replenish from top of draw deck. Discard dilemma. SP Ktarian Game r Place on ship. Now and start of each of your turns, one person aboard (random selection) is disabled. Cured when non-disabled CUN>30 OR android aboard. SP Menthar Booby Trap Unless MED present, one crew member killed (random selection). Ship can't move until 2 ENG present. SP Microbiotic Colony Ship damaged unless SCI, ENG + OFF aboard. Discard dilemma. SP Nagilum (5 pts) r Half of crew is killed (random selection, round down) unless 3 Dipl OR Str>40 aboard. Discard dilemma. SP Nanites (5 pts) u Damages afflicted ship unless 2 SCI or Dipl present. Discard dilemma. SP Nitrium Metal Parasites u Place on ship. Ship can still move, but is destroyed at the end of your second full turn unless 2 SCI OR 2 ENG aboard by that time. SP Null Space (5 pts) u Ship hits null space turbulence and is damaged unless 2 Nav aboard. Discard dilemma. SP Radioactive Garbage u Place atop spaceline here. Mission cannot be done where present. Scow Ships with tractor beams and 2 ENG can tow barge to a different location. SP Tarellian Plague Ship u All ship's crew immediately die from plague unless MED volunteers (5 pts) to permanently beam over (discarded) to Tarellians. Discard dilemma. SP Temporal Causality Loop r Unless SCI + CUN>35, undo your last 2 actions of this turn and (5 pts) end turn. Discard dilemma. SP Tsiolkovsky Infection r Place aboard ship. It is now infected. Mission can continue, but all personnel, while aboard, lose their first-listed skill. Cure with 3 MED to discard. (Not cumulative.) SP Two-Dimensional Crea- u Place on ship. Empaths are disabled. Also, ship can't move until tures SCI + ENG present. ARTIFACTS Betazoid Gift Box - Immediately look through your draw deck for up to 30 seconds and choose 3 cards to place in your hand. Horga'hn - Immediately play on table. Artifact allows you to take double turns from now on. (Not cumulative.) Interphase Generator - use as Equipment card. Nullifies: Chalnoths, Archers, Rebels, Impassable Doors, Phased Matter, Crystalline Entities, Armus, and Nausicaans. Kurlan Naiskos - Place in hand until played on any ship as anEvent card. If ship has all 7 personnel types aboard, its RANGE, WEAPONS and SHIELDS are all tripled. (Not cumulative.) Thought Maker - Place in hand until played once as an Interrupt card. Look at opponent's draw deck for 10 seconds and rearrange as desired. Time Travel Pod - Place in hand until played once as an Interrupt card on any ship. That ship travels into the future (disappears for up to 5 turns). Pre-announce the return time. Tox Uthat - Place in hand until played on table as an event (supernova can be played on later turn) OR as an Interrupt (prevents supernova). Discard after use. Varon-T Disruptor - Use as Equipment card. Doubles all of your personnel's STR where present. (Not cumulative) Vulcan Stone of Gol - Place in hand until played as an Event card. Kills everyone in an A.T. without Youth OR CUNNING>7. Discard artifact. INTERRUPTS Alien Groupie (r) - Plays on any Away Team which has just completed a planet mission. Female groupie delays beam up of one male (random selection) for one full turn Amanda Rogers (u) - Nullifies any one Interrupt card just played (except Kevin Uxbridge or another Amanda Rogers) OR any one artifact just played as an Interrupt card. Asteroid Sanctuary - Plays on any ship. If 2 Navigation aboard, hides ship to prevent any battle initiated against that ship for this turn. Auto-Destruct Sequence (u) - Plays on any one of your own ships. Ship self-destructs at end of your turn. Explosion damages all other ships at same location which have SHIELDS<8. Crosis (r) - Plays on Rogue Borg. Doubles their STRENGTH, including himself. Two Borg=4 STRENGTH each, three Borg=6 STRENGTH each, etc. (Not cumulative.) Countermanda - Nullifies Telepathic Alien Kidnappers OR if opponent just played Res-Q or Palor Toff, suspend that action, look through opponent's discard pile and put any three cards out-of-play. Data Laughing (p) - Nullifies Calamarain OR doubles Data's Head this turn OR retakes one ship controlled by Lore Returns so that Lore and Rogue Borg now follow your direction. Disruptor Overload - Plays on any ship or Away Team. One Equipment card OR one artifact played as an Equipment card, is destroyed at that location (random selection.) Distortion of Space/Time Continuum (u) - Any one ship and its Away Team may immediately make another move. Emergency Transporter Armbands - Beam your Personnel up or down at any time, except during a dilemma (unless specifically permitted). May be used during battle before the winner is determined. Energy Vortex (u) - Plays immediately after opponent playes any non-Interrupt card from hand. That card returns to their hand and a different one must be played instead. Escape Pod - Plays on ship being destroyed. Escape pod saves entire crew. Unseen by enemy ships, crew remains in pod until personnel rescued. Discard after use. Full Planet Scan (u) - Glance at the Dilemma and Artifact cards located under one planet mission for twenty seconds. Honor Challenge (r) - Plays just after an Away Team battle is initiated. Each Klingon with Honor immediately kills one opponent with Treachery. Battle continues. Hugh (r) - Nullifies attack by Borg Ship for this turn OR destroys (discard) all Rogue Borg at one location. Incoming Message - Federation (u) - "Your ship must immediately return to the nearest Federation outpost, full speed." Place on one Federation ship until outpost reached, then discard. Incoming Message - Klingon (u) - "Your ship must immediately return to the nearest Klingon outpost, full speed." Place on one Klingon ship until outpost reached, then discard. Incoming Message - Romulan (u) - "Your ship must immediately return to the nearest Romulan outpost, full speed." Place on one Romulan ship until outpost reached, then discard. Jaglom Shrek - Information Broker (r) - Look at opponent's draw deck for twenty seconds, then replace unshuffled. Kevin Uxbridge (u) - Destroys any one Event card in play (except for Treaty cards) OR any one artifact in play as an Event card. Klingon Death Yell (5 pts) (r) - Plays on any just killed Klingon with Honor. Yell to warn the dead and earn bonus points. May play only one death yell for each such Klingon. Klingon Right of Vengeance - If any Klingon is killed in an away team battle, all other Klingons present may immediately re-attack with double STRENGTH. Life Form Scan (u) - Glance at the cards in your opponent's hand for ten seconds. Long-Range Scan - Glance at the cards aboard any ship for ten seconds. Loss of Orbital Stability - Plays on any ship at a planet location. Ship can't move for one turn. Also, ship is destroyed at end of next turn unless SHIELDS>4. Discard after use. Near-Warp Transport (u) - Allows beaming from ship to a neighboring spaceline location. Transport a maximum of six of your personnel and/or your equipment. Palor Toff - Alien Trader - Exchange this card for any non-Personnel card in your discard pile. Particle Fountain (5 pts) - If 2 ENGINEER present in Away Team, play particle fountain (maximum of one) on just completed planet mission for bonus points. Q2 (u) - Nullifies any Amanda Rogers OR Kevin Uxbridge just played, OR nullifies any Q-related dilemma. Rogue Borg Mercenaries - Plays on any occupied ship. Battles crew now and at start of every players' turn Two Borg = 2 STRENGTH each, three = 3 each, etc. Surviving Borg remain. Scan - Glance at the Dilemma and Artifact cards located under one space mission for twenty seconds. Ship Seizure - If your ship has tractor beams, tow away (discard) any empty ship in the same orbit as your own ship (except empty ships at their outpost). Subspace Interference - Prevents (nullifies) reception of Incoming Message OR Hail OR Subspace Schism. Both cards are discarded. Subspace Schism (u) - Plays within five seconds of either players' card draw. That player must discard that card and re-draw. Tachyon Detection Grid - Must have at least four of your ships in play to use. Play on any cloaked ship to detect its presence. Ship is forced to de-cloak for rest of turn. Temporal Rift (u) - Plays on any ship. Ship disappears and must reappear here after two of your full turns. Discard interrupt after reappearance. The Devil (r) - Destroys any one Treaty card on table OR one Horga'hn on table OR one Wind Dancer. The Juggler (u) - Choose any player to re-shuffle the cards in their draw deck. Transwarp Conduit (u) - Select a ship. It can move double range for this turn. Vulcan Mindmeld (u) - Allows all Mindmeld personnel, at one locatoin, to add to their skills. For one turn, add all of the skills of another personnel who is present. Wormhole - Requires two wormholes. Play one on any ship just as it begins to move. Play the other where the ship immediately emerges. Discard wormholes. EVENTS Alien Probe (u) - Plays on table. Both players continue the game with their hands (cards) exposed, face up on the table. Anti-Time Anomaly (r) - Plays on table. Kills literally ALL personnel on table (both players' cards) at the end of your third full turn, unless anti-time anomaly destroyed first. Atmospheric Ionization - Plays crosswise on any planet location. Maximum of three personnel per turn can be beamed up or down at this location. Bynars Weapon Enhancement (r) - Plays on table. Bynars enhance each of your ship's WEAPONS +2. (Cumulative.) Distortion Field (u) - Plays crosswise face up on any planet location. On each of your turns, flip card over. While face up, prevents beam down/up her unless pattern enhancers in play. Espionage: Federation on Klingon - Plays on any Klingon mission. Your Federation personnel may now attempt this mission. Discard after mission completed. Espionage: Klingon on Federation - Plays on any Federation mission. Your Klingon personnel may now attempt this mission. Discard after mission completed. Espionage: Romulan on Federation - Plays on any Federation mission. Your Romulan personnel may now attempt this mission. Discard after mission completed. Espionage: Romulan on Klingon - Plays on any Klingon mission. Your Romulan personnel may now attempt this mission. Discard after mission completed. Gaps In Normal Space (u) - Place between two Mission cards. Creates a gap with a span of 4. Ships stopping on the gap kill one personnel (random selection). Genetronic Replicator (u) - Plays on table. Prevents any of your Away Team members from being killed if 2 MEDICAL present. Goddess Of Empathy (r) - Plays on table until the end of your next turn. Neither you nor your opponent can play Interrupt cards (except Kevin Uxbridge or Q2). Discard after use. Holo-Projectors (u) - Plays on table. This technology allows your holographic re-creations to be projected and used on any of your ships or Away Teams. (Immune to Kevin Uxbridge.) Kivas Fajo - Collector (u) - Choose any player to immediately draw three new cards from the top of their draw deck. Discard event after use. Lore's Fingernail (r) - Plays on table. While in play, all Soong-type androids (including Lt. Cmdr. Data) and Exocomps lose their affiliation and are non-aligned personnel. Lore Returns (r) - Playes where Rogue Borg have eliminated a ship's crew. With Lore, your Rogue Borg may now use ship to attack ships and/or beam to battle Away Teams. Masaka Transformations (u) - Plays on any player. That player must shuffle entire hand, place on bottom of draw deck, then draw the same number of cards from the top. Discard event after use. Metaphasic Shields (u) - Plays on table. New technology enhances each of your ship's SHIELDS +2 for each SCIENCE aboard. (Cumulative.) Neural Servo Device (u) - Plays on any non-aligned ship. Unless 2 SECURITY abaord, use ship and crew for one turn as your own. Discard event. Nutational Shields (u) - Plays on table. New technology enhances each of your ship's SHIELDS +2 for each ENGINEER abaord. (Cumulative.) Pattern Enhancers - Plays on table. Allows your personnel and equipment unlimited beaming through atmospheric ionization or distortion fields. Plasma Fire - Plays on any ship, except Borg ship. Fire damages ship at end of next turn and continues damaging each turn. SECURITY puts it out. Discard after use. Q-Net - Plays between two adjacent spaceline locations. No ship may pass the Q-Net unless 2 Diplomacy aboard. Raise The Stakes (u) - Your opponent must forfeit the game OR agree the eventual winner may randomly select and keep one card from loser's 60-card deck. (Cumulative.) Red Alert - Plays on table. Allows you to play as many Ship, Personnel, and Equipment cards as desired each turn. Res-Q - Regenerates a card. Exchange this event for any one card from your discard pile. Spacedock - Plays on outpost. Instantly repairs your damaged ships if they stop here. Also repairs non- aligned ships. Static Warp Bubble - Plays on table. Opponent must discard one card before ending each turn. (Not cumulative.) Subspace Warp Rift - Plays crosswise on any spaceline location. Any ship passing over here without stopping incurs damage. Supernova (r) - You must have Tox Uthat on table. Place atop any mission. Everything there is destroyed (discarded), but leave Mission card underneath for span reference. Telepathic Alien Kipnappers (u) - Plays on table. At end of each turn, guess a card type and point to a card in your opponent's hand. Card must be shown. If guessed correctly, card is discarded. Tetryon Field - Plays crosswise on any spaceline location. All ships must stop here before proceeding on next turn, unless Navigation aboard. The Traveler: Transcendance (u) - Place beside any player's draw deck. That player must draw one extra card at the end of each turn. Also, while in play, nullifies Static Warp Bubble. (Not cumulative.) Treaty: Federation/Klingon - Plays on table. Your Federation and Klingon affiliations recognize this treaty. They can now mix and cooperate. Treaty: Federation/Romulan - Plays on table. Your Federation and Romulan affiliations recognize this treaty. They can now mix and cooperate. Treaty: Romulan/Klingon - Plays on table. Your Romulan and Klingon affiliations recognize this treaty. They can now mix and cooperate. Warp Core Breach (r) - Plays on any ship, except Borg ship. Ship explodes at end of owner's next turn, unless ENGINEER aboard by then. Discard after use. Where No One Has Gone Before - Plays on table. Allows all your ships to leave one end of the spaceline and enter the other end. Yellow Alert - Plays on table. While inj play, cancels (discard) and prevents Red Alerts AND all your Personnel are each CUNNING +1 (Not cumulative.) EQUIPMENT (70/11) Engineering Kit - Gives all of your OFFICER-classification personnel the extra skill of ENGINEER where present. Engineering Padd - Gives all of your SCIENCE-classification personnel the extra skill of ENGINEER where present. Federation Padd - Federation use only. Each of your personnel CUNNING +2 where present. (Cumulative.) Klingon Disruptor - Klingon and Non-Aligned use only. Each of your personnel STRENGTH +2 where present. (Cumulative.) Klingon Padd - Klingon use only. Each of your personnel CUNNING +2 where present. (Cumulative.) Medical Kit - Gives all of your OFFICER-classification personnel the extra skill of MEDICAL where present. Medical Tricorder - Gives all of your SCIENCE-classification personnel the extra skill of ENGINEER where present. Romulan Disruptor - Romulan and Non-Aligned use only. Each of your personnel STRENGTH +2 where present. (Cumulative.) Romulan Padd - Romulan use only. Each of your personnel CUNNING +2 where present. (Cumulative.) Starfleet Type II Phaser - Federation and Non-Aligned use only. Each of your personnel STRENGTH +2 where present. (Cumulative.) Tricorder - Gives all of your ENGINEER-classification personnel the extra skill of SCIENCE where present. FEDERATION FEDERATION OUTPOST - Shields=30 FEDERATION SHIPS (Range/Weapons/Shields; occ; Command Reqs; Equipment) * Runabout 7/5/5 * Type IV Shuttlecraft 6/2/2 U.S.S. Brittain 6/5/6 r + Tractor Beam U.S.S. Enterprise 9/8/9 r *++ Holodeck, Tractor Beam * U.S.S. Excelsior 6/6/7 ++ Tractor Beam * U.S.S. Galaxy 8/7/9 *++ Holodeck, Tractor Beam U.S.S. Hood 7/6/7 r ++ Tractor Beam * U.S.S. Miranda 6/5/5 + Tractor Beam * U.S.S. Nebula 8/7/8 *+ Holodeck, Tractor Beam * U.S.S. Oberth 6/4/7 + Tractor Beam U.S.S. Phoenix 7/7/8 r *+ Holodeck, Tractor Beam U.S.S. Sutherland 7/7/7 u *+ Holodeck, Tractor Beam U.S.S. Yamato 8/8/8 r *++ Holodeck, Tractor Beam FEDERATION PERSONNEL (occ; CLASS; Skills; Integrity/Cunning/Strength; Comm Abil) Morgan Bateson (r) OFF Leadership, Stellar Cart 8/4/5 * Wesley Crusher (r) OFF Youth, CompSk, Nav, ENG, 6/8/5 + Astrophy Data (r) OFF ENG, CompSkx2, Music, 8/12/12 * Astrophy, Exobio * Giusti OFF Youth 7/6/4 + * Christopher Hobson OFF Computer Skill 6/7/6 * Benjamin Maxwell (u) OFF Leadership 9/7/5 * * McKnight OFF Navigation, Youth, Music 5/6/3 + Alynna Nechayev (r) OFF Diplomacy, Leadership 7/8/3 * Jean-Luc Picard (r) OFF Diplx2, Ldrshp, Honor, Arch, 9/8/6 * Nav, Music Eric Pressman (u) OFF ENGINEER, Treachery 5/6/5 * Thomas Riker (r) OFF Leadership, Nav, Geo, Music 8/7/6 * William T. Riker (r) OFF Dipl, Ldrshp, Nav, Hon, Mus 8/7/7 * Ro Laren (r) OFF Comp Sk, Navigation, Treach 4/7/5 + Satelk (r) OFF Leadership, Mindmeld, Dipl 8/9/7 * Fleet Admiral Shanthi(u) OFF Leadership, Diplomacy 9/6/4 * Shelby (r) OFF Leadership, Exobiology 6/7/4 * Deanna Troi (r) OFF Empathy, Diplomacy 8/7/4 * Tam Elbrun (r) VIP Empathy x 2, Honor 5/7/3 K'Ehleyr (r) VIP Diplomacy, Honor 8/7/7 + Sirna Kolrami (u) VIP Leadership 7/9/2 * Kareel Odan (u) VIP Diplomacy, Computer Skill 9/7/4 Riva (u) VIP Diplomacy x 2 6/8/3 Sarek (r) VIP Diplomacy x 3, Mindmeld 9/10/3 * Norah Satie (u) VIP Leadership 9/6/2 Lwaxanna Troi (r) VIP Empathy x 2 7/8/3 Reginald Barclay (r) ENG Computer Skill 7/7/5 + * Dr. Leah Brahms ENG ENGINEER 7/9/2 (holo)(r) Leah Brahms (r) ENG ENGINEER 8/9/3 + Montgomery Scott ENG ENG, Astrophy, Honor, Miracle Worker 7/8/3 * * Exocomp (u) ENG Ship repair 9/8/1 Geordi La Forge (r) ENG ENG, Nav, Phys, Comp Sk 8/8/6 * * Linda Larson ENG Youth 7/5/4 + * Taurik ENG Mindmeld 7/7/8 + Hannah Bates (u) SCI Physics 6/8/2 + Neela Daren (r) SCI Astrophysics, Stellar Cartography, Music 8/8/5 + * Albert Einstein (r) SCI Physics x 2, Astrophysics 9/11/2 Richard Galen (u) SCI Archaeology x 2, Bio, Exobio 7/9/2 + Dr. La Forge (r) SCI Exobiology 7/7/4 + * Mendon SCI Physics 7/5/2 + * Sir Isaac Newton (r) SCI Physics x 2 7/11/3 (holo) Soren (u) SCI Astrophysics 6/6/3 + T'Pan (u) SCI SCIENCE, Mindmeld 8/9/4 + * Taitt SCI Stellar Cartography, Geology 6/7/4 * Calloway MED Youth 7/5/3 Beverly Crusher (r) MED MEDICAL, Biology, Exobiol 8/8/5 * Alyssa Ogawa (u) MED Biology 7/6/4 + Toby Russell (u) MED Physics 6/7/4 + Dr. Selar (u) MED Computer Skill, Mindmeld 7/8/7 + * Simon Tarses MED Youth 6/5/5 Jenna D'Sora (u) SEC Stellar Cartography, Music 7/6/5 + * Sito Jaxa SEC Navigation, Youth 8/6/6 + * Darian Wallace SEC Anthropology 7/5/6 Worf (r) SEC Honor x 2, Navigation, Dipl 8/6/10 * Tasha Yar (r) SEC Honor, Leadership 8/7/8 + Mot The Barber (u) CIV Barbering 6/4/5 Alexander Rozhenko (u) CIV Honor, Youth 6/4/2 Nikolai Rozhenko (u) CIV Anthro, CompSk, Treach 3/7/4 + Vash (r) CIV Arch x 2, Treach, Anthro 3/8/4 ROMULAN ROMULAN OUTPOST - Shields=32 ROMULAN SHIPS (Range/Weapons/Shields; occ; Command Reqs; Equipment) * D'deridex 8/9/7 *++ Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam Devoras 9/8/8 r *++ Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam Haakona 8/9/8 r *++ Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam Khazara 9/9/7 r *++ Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam Pi 9/4/4 r * Science Vessel 8/5/6 * Scout Vessel 9/3/3 ROMULAN PERSONNEL (occ; CLASS; Skills; Integrity/Cunning/Strength; Comm Abil) Bochra (u) OFF Navigation, Youth 7/7/6 + * Galathon OFF Archaeology, Greed, Treachery 3/7/9 * Alidar Jarok (r) OFF Navigation, Leadership 2/8/8 * Mendak (r) OFF Treachery, Exobiology 4/7/7 * Movar (u) OFF Treachery, Anthropology 5/7/7 * Parem (u) OFF Treachery 4/8/9 + * Tallus OFF Leadership 3/7/7 * Tebok OFF Diplomacy, Leadership, Navigation 5/7/9 * * Thei OFF Geology, Physics 4/6/8 * Tokath (u) OFF Anthropology, Honor 6/7/6 + Tomalak (r) OFF Diplomacy, Leadership 6/7/9 * Toreth (r) OFF Leadership, Honor, Navigation 5/8/7 * Neral (u) VIP Treachery, Youth 4/7/7 Pardek (u) VIP Diplomacy x 2, Treachery 4/8/6 Sela (r) VIP Diplomacy, Ldrshp, Treachery, Youth 6/9/8 * * Selok VIP Treachery 4/8/5 + * Palteth ENG Computer Skill 3/8/7 + * Tomek (holo) ENG Astrophysics 4/7/6 Mirok (u) SCI ENGINEER, Astrophysics, Physics 3/8/7 + N'Vek (u) SCI Honor, Biology, Computer Skill 6/8/8 * Taibak (u) SCI Treachery, Biology, Computer Sk 2/8/8 + * Tarus SCI Stellar Cartography 4/8/7 + * Varel SCI Physics, Computer Skill, Youth 4/7/5 + * Jera (holo) MED Biology, Youth 4/7/6 * Takket MED Exobiology 4/7/7 * * Jaron SEC Geology, Youth 4/7/9 + * Taul SEC Treachery, Archaeology 4/7/8 + KLINGON KLINGON OUTPOST - Shields=32 KLINGON SHIPS (Range/Weapons/Shields; occ; Command Reqs; Equipment) I.K.C. Bortas 9/9/7 r *++ Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam I.K.C. Buruk 8/6/7 r + Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam I.K.C. Heg'hta 8/7/7 r + Cloaking Device, Tractor Bea * I.K.C. K'Vort 8/6/6 + Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam I.K.C. Pagh 8/7/6 r + Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam I.K.C. Qu'Vat 9/8/8 r *++ Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam * I.K.C. Vor'Cha 9/8/7 *++ Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam I.K.C. Vorn 8/7/6 u + Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam KLINGON PERSONNEL (occ; CLASS; Skills; Integrity/Cunning/Strength; Comm Abil) * B'iJik OFF Navigation 4/6/6 + * Batrell OFF Honor 7/3/7 * K'Vada (u) OFF Leadership, Navigation 8/5/7 * Kargan (r) OFF Honor, Computer Skill 7/5/9 * * Klag OFF Navigation 6/5/7 * Konmel (u) OFF Navigation 8/5/8 + Korris (u) OFF Honor 8/6/8 * Kurn (r) OFF Honor, Comp Sk, Nav, Dipl 8/6/8 * Morag OFF Computer Skill, Greed 7/4/8 * Nu'Daq OFF Archaeology, Navig, Exobio 8/5/8 * B'Etor (r) VIP Treach, Ldrshp, Phys, Youth 2/8/7 * Greed Duras (r) VIP Ldrshp, CompSk, Trch, Grd 4/6/8 * * Fek'lhr (u) (holo) VIP Honor, Treachery 6/1/15 Gowron (r) VIP Ldrshp x 2, Dipl, Honor 8/7/9 * K'mpec (u) VIP Leadership, Diplomacy 7/8/5 * K'Tal (u) VIP Diplomacy 7/5/5 Kahless (r) VIP Honor x 2 10/6/8 * Kell (u) VIP Treachery 2/6/5 Lursa (r) VIP Treach, Ldrship, Geo, Greed 2/8/8 * Torak (u) VIP Diplomacy, Geology 5/4/7 Toral (u) VIP Leadership x 1/2, Youth 6/5/6 + Vagh (u) VIP Diplomacy, Anthropology 7/5/6 * K'Tesh (holo) ENG Stellar Cartography 5/5/6 * Kromm ENG Physics 5/6/8 + * Dukath SCI Archaeology 5/6/7 + * J'Ddan SCI Exobiology, Treachery 2/6/6 + Koroth (u) SCI Biology, Archaeology, Anthro 8/6/6 Kurak (r) SCI Astphy, CompSk, Phys, Hon 6/7/6 + * Torin SCI Astrophysics 7/6/6 * Vekma MED Honor 6/5/6 + * Divok MED Biology, Youth 6/6/8 + * Gorath SEC Honor 6/4/7 + * Kle'eg SEC Honor 6/4/7 + Ba'el (u) CIV Anthropology, Youth 6/6/4 L'Kor (u) CIV Leadership, Music 7/6/7 * Koral (u) CIV Navigation, Archaeology 3/4/10 * Toq (u) CIV Leadership, Comp Skill, Youth 6/5/6 NON-ALIGNED NEUTRAL OUTPOST - Shields=24. No repairs here. NON-ALIGNED SHIPS (Range/Weapons/Shields; occ; Command Reqs; Equipment) * Combat Vessel 8/8/6 ++ * Husnock Ship 6/9/12 u *++ Holodeck, Tractor Beam * Mercenary Ship 7/7/7 ++ Long-Range Scan Shielding * Yridian Shuttle 6/1/3 * Zibalian Transport 6/2/4 NON-ALIGNED PERSONNEL (occ; CLASS; Skills; Integrity/Cunning/Strength; Comm Abil) Baran (u) OFF Grd, Arch, Exobio, Comp Sk 3/8/6 * Bok (u) OFF Greed, ENG, Treach, CompSkl 4/9/4 * Evek (u) OFF Dipl, Ldrshp, Anthropol 7/5/7 * Ocett (u) OFF Archaeology, Navig, Honor 6/8/6 * Devinoni Ral (u) VIP Empathy, Diplomacy, Treach 3/9/3 * Gorta ENG Physics, Greed 3/7/4 * Narik ENG Computer Skill 2/7/6 + Etana Jol (u) SCI Treachery, Biology 2/8/3 * Dr. Reyga (u) SCI ENG, Stel Cart, Astrophys 6/9/5 * Vekor SCI MEDICAL, Navigation, Geol 2/7/6 * Jo'Bril (u) SCI Treach,Astrophy,Phy,Greed 3/8/7 * * Dr. Farek MED Greed 2/8/3 * Roga Danar (r) SEC ENG, Comp Sk, Bio, Ldrshp 5/9/12 * Amarie (u) CIV Music 5/9/2 Ishara Yar (u) CIV Treachery, Youth 3/7/8 +