
[46] forty-six |
Major Rakal's Romulan Review #66
Aefvadh! Actions and timing weren't thought about much during the early
days of Star Trek CCG.
You played cards at the start of your turn, attempted missions and started
battles in the middle of
your turn, drew a card at the end of your turn and played interrupts
literally "at any time." As the
game became more complicated, though, questions began to arise.
Can I use a Devidian Door to add a personnel to my Away Team between dilemmas?
If I have to do something "at the end of my turn", is that before or after my
card draw? When can I use my personnel's' special skills? If I play Amanda Rogers,
you play Q2 and I activate The Line Must Be Drawn Here, who loses points? Can
my opponent play a Rogue Borg on my ship when I try to move it? Space-Time Portal
says I can use it to return a ship to my hand "at any time"--can I escape from
a dilemma that way? I just drew to end my turn and got a Kevin Uxbridge--can I
nullify your Red Alert before you can play your handful of personnel? Do I nullify
a Q's Tent before or after you decide what card you want to get?
All these questions involve the timing of actions and responses to those
actions. To prevent the chaos of players racing to see who can play an interrupt first, timing
rules had to be developed that stated an orderly process for initiating and responding to actions. These
timing rules seem to have overtaken dilemmas as the prime generator of rules questions. To address
some of those questions, let's dive into a three-part series on...
Before we can talk about timing of actions in relation to each other, we
need to know what actions are and how a single action is put together.
The first question is, what is an action? Almost anything that you do in
the game, particularly during the play phase. (During the seed phase, virtually the only action
that can take place is the alternate seeding of cards; no responses are possible.) Here are some
examples of common actions during the play phase:
- Playing (or "reporting") one card
- Activating a hidden agenda card
- Moving one ship
- Beaming a group of personnel from one ship to one planet
- Attempting a mission
- Conducting one ship battle or one personnel battle
- Downloading a card or group of cards
- Discarding one card
- Using optional game text on a card already in play (including using a
personnel's special
- Probing
- Drawing one card from your draw deck
Automatic modifiers are not actions. For example, D'Tan's special skill adds
1 to the INTEGRITY of Romulans without Treachery where he
is present. This enhancement of INTEGRITY is automatic and
does not require taking an action (that is, you do not have to say, "I'm using
D'Tan's skill to enhance my Romulans' INTEGRITY" in order
for the skill to have its effect). Likewise, once you have Bynars Weapons Enhancement
in play, all of your ships are automatically WEAPONS +2.
You do not have to declare that you are using the Bynars text each time you use
a ship's WEAPONS in order to benefit from the enhancement.
Many actions include other actions. Attempting a mission includes
encountering and resolving each seed card (each encounter is an action), completing the mission, scoring
points and acquiring artifacts. A personnel battle includes the creation of combat piles,
personal combat pairings ("engaging adversaries"), determination of the winner of the battle, random
selection of a personnel to be killed and discarding killed personnel. Even a single card
play may include a number of other actions. For example, playing Arbiter of Succession
includes several actions in its results: conducting a personnel battle (including all its component steps),
placing the Arbiter of Succession card on the winner to score points and discarding the nullified Klingon Civil War (if
Every action has three steps that must occur in order:
1. Initiation (declaring the use of a multifunction card, meeting conditions,
choosing targets and paying costs).
2. Optional responses (attempts to cancel or modify the action).
3. Results (gameplay consequences of the action).
Let's look at these three steps in more detail.
1. Initiation
Initiating a game action may include any or all of the following:
- Declaring the use of a multifunction card. Regenerate may either repair and
"stop" a Borg Ship dilemma or Borg ship, or regenerate your draw deck from your
discard pile. Spacedoor may either overhaul a ship or download a universal ship.
You must state which function you will be using.
- Meeting conditions for performing the action, as required by rules or game
text. The conditions for initiating a battle include having a leader in your crew
or Away Team, and meeting affiliation restrictions. The conditions for attempting
a space mission include having a personnel matching the mission affiliation in
your crew aboard an undocked, decloaked ship at the mission. The conditions for
reporting the Decius for duty include having an open Alternate Universe Door or
Space-Time Portal. The conditions for playing Going To The Top include having
two [C] personnel together on your facility; in addition, if you wish to play
it for the downloading function, Computer Crash must not be in play. The conditions
for using the Borg Queen's skill to download a drone include being entitled to
a card draw that you can replace (right now, not a hypothetical future card draw)
and no Computer Crash in play.
- Choosing targets for the action. Examples include selecting a target
card to retrieve from your Q's Tent (by playing a Q's Tent) or your discard pile (Palor Toff), or to
download; selecting a compatible outpost for reporting a personnel; selecting a suitable
personnel on which to play Ocular Implants; or selecting a player to draw cards for Kivas Fajo - Collector.
- Paying costs required by the rules or game text. While Star Trek CCG has no
concept like Star Wars CCG's "using Force" as a cost of deployment or other actions,
using your card play (either to play a card or replacing it with another action
such as a download) may be considered paying a cost. Using a "once per game" action
such as a special download icon is also an example of paying a cost.
2. Optional responses
After initiation is complete, either player may make appropriate valid
responses to the action. Now
we get to the crucial question: what is a "valid response" to an action? An
action is a valid response
if it specifically relates to the first action--usually, it modifies
or nullifies the first action, and nearly
always mentions the first action (or a result of that action) explicitly in
the game text.
The next article will look at responses in greater detail, but here are a
few examples:
- Playing a Wormhole is a valid response to the initiation of ship
movement, because it
says it plays on a ship "just as it begins to move." It modifies the
movement by taking the ship to
another destination.
- Playing Honor Challenge is a valid response to the initiation of a
personnel battle, because it
"plays just after an Away Team battle is initiated." It modifies the battle
by killing personnel before
the combat pairings take place.
- Using Surmak Ren's skill is a valid response to encountering the
Aphasia Device dilemma,
because he "may nullify Aphasia Device where present."
- Activating The Line Must Be Drawn Here is a valid response to the play
of Amanda Rogers,
because that is one of the cards which loses points to this hidden agenda
Here are some actions that are not valid responses to specific
- Playing a Rogue Borg Mercenary on a ship is not a valid response to
movement of that
ship. It does not say it can interrupt ship movement.
- Playing a personnel to your Away Team through a "Devidian Door" is not
a valid response to
the initiation of personnel battle. It does not mention battle.
- Using Suna's skill to download Reflection Therapy and change a personnel's
skill is not a valid response to encountering a dilemma that requires a skill
you don't have present. It does not say you may change a skill during a dilemma.
- Playing Palor Toff - Alien Trader to get a Q2 from your discard pile is
not a valid response to
the play of Amanda Rogers. Palor Toff does not modify or nullify Amanda
Once all responses are over, or if no responses are made, the results of the
action begin (if the action was not canceled by a response).
3. Results
The results of an action are the gameplay consequences of the action. When
you play an event or
interrupt, for example, the results involve carrying out the game text of
the card.
- The results of a personnel battle include everything from shuffling
of the combat piles
through the final kill and discarding of killed cards.
- The result of playing Kivas Fajo - Collector is that the target player
draws three cards from
his draw deck.
- The results of playing Assign Mission Specialists are that you download
two mission
specialists to your outpost, and the card remains on the table to allow you
to later score bonus
- The results of using Ajur's special skill are that you randomly select
three seed cards under
the mission, all but those three are placed in the owners' discard piles
and no Ajur controlled by
you may use that skill again during this game.
The results of an action may contain other actions (such as the combat
pairings and determination
of a winner in a personnel battle, encountering dilemmas within a mission
attempt, downloading
cards into play as the result of a card play etc.). Each of those actions
goes through its own
initiation, response and results steps.
Playing Duranja
1. Initiation: Check conditions (a Bajoran in your discard pile who died on
your previous turn), choose targets (select the target Bajoran from discard pile)
and pay costs (use your card play for the turn).
2. Responses: Kevin Uxbridge could nullify the event; Duranja would be
discarded, and your card
play remains used. If not nullified, results take place.
3. Results: Place target card in point area, score points equal to
INTEGRITY. Discard Duranja.
(Scoring points could trigger other actions, such as Aldea cloaking,
opponent facing a dilemma at a
Nebula, or a response such as revealing Intermix Ratio.)
Playing Q's Tent
1. Initiation: Check conditions (side deck is not closed and has at least
one card in it, no Computer
Crash in play), choose targets (select target card) and pay costs (use your
one Q's Tent play per
2. Responses: Wrong Door could nullify the doorway; Q's Tent would be
discarded, the target
card goes back to the Tent and you could not play another Q's Tent this
turn, but because no
results occur, you may still draw a card at the end of the turn.
OR Computer Crash is activated, preventing initiation by changing the
conditions. Q's Tent returns
to your hand and the target card goes back to the Tent. If you nullify
Computer Crash later in your
turn, you could still play a Q's Tent because you did not use up your "once
per turn" play.
If not nullified or prevented, the results take place.
3. Results: Place target card in your hand and discard the Q's Tent. You
may draw no cards for the
rest of the turn.
Attempting a planet mission
1. Initiation: Declare that you are attempting the mission. Check
conditions (one matching
personnel in Away Team on planet surface), choose targets (already selected
by the location of the
Away Team) and pay costs (none).
2. Responses: I could reveal HQ: Defensive Measures if you were attempting
my mission with
more than one affiliation icon on either end. You would be unable to
attempt the mission.
Otherwise, you proceed with the results.
3. Results: Encounter and resolve seed cards one at a time. (Each encounter
is an action in itself.)
When all seed cards are resolved, if requirements present, complete
mission, score points and
acquire any artifacts present. (Scoring points could trigger other actions,
as with playing Duranja.)
Encountering the Coalescent Organism dilemma
1. Initiation: Turn over dilemma. Check conditions (Exobiology present?).
In this case, you are
checking to see if you meet the dilemma's conditions to overcome it. If so,
the dilemma is
discarded; you do not get past the initiation step to the response step. If
not, choose targets
(random selection of one personnel) and pay costs (none).
2. Responses: You may nullify the dilemma with Howard Heirloom Candle. If
not, carry out results.
3. Results: Place dilemma on target (implied by dilemma rules). (As a
separate action, discard target when it dies at end of next turn, passing along or discarding
dilemma as appropriate.)
Encountering the Borg Ship dilemma
1. Initiation: Check conditions (none), choose targets (none) and pay costs
2. Responses: You may play Temporal Vortex on the dilemma to make it
disappear for three turns. If not, carry out the results.
3. Results: Carry out a "ship" battle between the Borg Ship dilemma and all targets
at the location. This ship battle is an action which may be responded to by playing
Hugh to nullify the Borg Ship's attack for the rest of the turn. If the attack
is not nullified, resolve as for any ship battle, turning cards to indicate damage
or discarding destroyed cards. (Any surviving cards are "stopped" as an automatic
effect at the end of the battle.)
As noted above, "responding" to an action modifies or nullifies (cancels)
the action in some way. What specific effect does this have on the results of the action? Can it
affect the initiation? It all depends on what kind of a response is made. Responses fall into three
general categories.
- Nullification. If a response (step 2) nullifies or cancels an action, then
none of the results (step 3) take place. For example, one of the results of a
personnel battle is a final determination of a winner of the battle by comparing
STRENGTH totals. If you cancel a personnel battle by playing I'm A Doctor, Not
a Doorstop, there is no "winner" or "loser" (so you cannot play Data's Medals
or Discommendation).
- It has no effect on the initiation (step 1) of the action, so any costs paid
are not recovered. If the action was a card play, the nullified card is discarded.
For example, if I play Kivas Fajo - Collector and you respond with Kevin Uxbridge,
not only do I not get to draw three cards (no results), but I have used up my
normal card play and may not play another card this turn. Examples of responses
that nullify an action are the play of Amanda Rogers to nullify an interrupt,
and the use of Dathon's skill to nullify Shaka, When The Walls Fell upon encounter.
Modification. If a response modifies an action, then the action resolves, but probably in a different way. Examples of responses that modify an action are the play of Howard Heirloom Candle to double the effects of Anaphasic Organism and the use of Madred's skill to add 1 to the points you score for an interrogation.
Again, there is no effect on the initiation of the action. If a response
modifies the action by removing its target (selected during initiation), you may not reselect a
target. The action plays out without a valid target; if the action was a card play, the card is
discarded. An example is the use of Countermanda to remove the target of a Palor Toff from the discard pile.
A response may make a condition of an action invalid. For example, a "Manheim effect" suspending the play of an AU icon card may allow you to play a Revolving Door to close your opponent's Alternate Universe Door. Because he checked the conditions for playing the AU icon card during the initiation step, he can still play the card. You only check conditions once, and any
change during the response phase (except for certain hidden agendas) has no effect on the results of the action.
- Hidden agendas. The activation of a hidden agenda as a response to an
action may modify the action or even prevent it, but it works differently than nullifiers or other modifiers. While other responses have no effect on step 1 of the action (initiation), a hidden agenda that modifies the conditions for an action acts as though it had been in effect at "step 0"--you back up to before the initiation of the action.
If the action is no longer valid with the hidden agenda in effect, then the
entire action, including the initiation, is prevented, as if you never got to step 1. If the action was a card play, the card goes back to your hand. If you used any other resources (such as a "once per game" action), you recover those resources.
For example, I initiate the play of the event Recruit Mercenaries, checking
conditions (no Computer Crash active; I have Treachery present somewhere in play), choosing targets (select the target cards and the location to download to) and paying costs (using my normal card play). You respond by revealing a Computer Crash. This changes the conditions for the card play, making the
download illegal, so I back up to "step 0" and undo the initiation. I
shuffle the target cards back into my deck (or return them to my hand or Tent), and return Recruit Mercenaries to my hand. It has no results (I do not get the downloaded personnel or lose 10 points), and my card play has not
been used up; I may play another event, personnel etc.
My thanks to my Bolian buddy, Evan "Mot the Barber" Lorentz (or is that Mot "Evan
Lorentz" the Barber?), for the "step 0" concept for explaining the effects of
hidden agendas; and to Bill Martinson for permission to adapt the entries on actions
in the Star Wars CCG Special Edition Rulebook Glossary (upon which the Star Trek
CCG timing rules are based).
Next time we'll look at responses and consider what makes an action a valid
Tal Shiar,
Kathy McCracken
Major Rakal (majorrakal@decipher.com)