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Re: STP use as a response to battle ... Major Rakal ... [3/ 2/99 15:15]
>Further down the board, the following question was asked by Borg King and responded to by Qume:
>>>If I start a personnel battle on my opponant's ship, can he use a Space-Time Portal to return his ship a people to his hand?
>>No, as using this function of STP is not a valid response to initiating a battle. Your opponent would only be able to play a card that is specifically meant to be played when a battle is initiated, such as Qapla'!.
>So after the personnel battle is concluded, everyone is stopped, no?


>So after that, the STP *can* be played to return the ship to hand. When this happens, what happens to your opponents personnel on board, as they have not yet been able to beam back? Since the STP says "and all cards on it" I'm assuming you get your opponents personnel as well.

All cards on the ship return "to owners' hands". Each card returns to that card's owner's hand. You never get your opponent's cards in your hand.

Jolan tru,

Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)

Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer and Tal Shiar Agent

DECIPHER INC. The Art of Great Games (tm)
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