>Been playing (and learning) alot recently - more questions came up tonite I hope you folks can help me with.
>We played with the Reflection Therapy (RT) Objective in play tonite - and the quesiton came up on how often it can be used. My understanding was once the objetive was in play, wherever you had a Treachery personnel in play, that personnel could use the RT to change another personnel's attibute (only one). I assumed it could be done once a turn, but a friend of mine objected, stating instead it could only be used that way once a game. The text on the card doesnt specify, and I haven't found anything in the rules or the glossary on this.
>Anyone help with this one?
The way it works is that when Reflection Therapy is played, you change one skill on the affected personnel. Once you've set the skill, you can't change it unless you play another Reflection Therapy. However, there is no limit to the number of Reflection Therapies you can play over the course of a game.