qaghwI', Ultra-Rare, Fajo Collection
DabuQlu'DI' yIsuv. bISovbejbe'DI' tImer. Suvlu'taHvIs yapbe' HoS neH. tIqdaq HoSna' tu'lu'. may'meyDaj'vo Haw'be tlhIngan.
DuHIvchugh ghol vaj qaStaHvIS may'vetlh HoSDaq ghob luchel quv ghajbogh thlinganpu'lI'. (vi'be'.)
Or, in Federation Standard,
Interrupt, Ultra-Rare, Fajo Collection
"When threatened, fight. When in doubt, surprise them. Brute strength is not the most important asset in a fight. Real power is in the heart. A Klingon does not run away from his battles."
If an opponent attacks you, during that battle your Klingons with Honor add INTEGRITY to STRENGTH. (Not cumulative.)