>Assume I'm not playing Borg.
>If I capture and Brainwash a Talon Drone...
>1. Is my crew or away team still allowed to attack, or must I follow the Borg battle restricton (or even the same affiliation restriction)?
Interesting question. Since a Brainwashed personnel does not change affiliations, but just become compatible with your own personnel (pretty much a mini-treaty for that one personnel), and since you must follow the most restrictive affiliation battle restrictions if you have a mixed crew under treaty, I would say you would be barred from attacking on the grounds that you don't have an objective or other card allowing it. (The "same affiliation" restriction does not apply to Borg; see the "Borg" entry, battle section, in the Glossary--it says that Borg may attack other Borg if an objective or other card allows it.)
>2. If I can attack, can the Talon Drone act as a leader (Defense Icon)?
I think you can't attack, so it's moot.
>3. If my Brainwashed Talon Drone stuns one of my opponent's other Borg, can I assimilate it?
>4. If I can assimilate my opponent's Borg, will they work with my personnel? Will they work with the Talon Drone (who is still Borg, and works with anyone)?
>5. If not, can Memory Wipe solve any or all of these problems?
Memory Wipe is nothing more than a maxi-Brainwash, similar to an all-way treaty--it makes everyone compatible. It has no effect on battle restrictions.
Jolan tru,
Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)
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