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Profitable advice inside(txt) ... FCA-liquidator ... [1/28/99 10:52]
>A lot of Kivas Fajos(150) and Parallaxes(175) and a few Duranjas(13) and a few Bajoran Civil War(7) and a number of 13 Sito Jaxas and the dilemma BPD.
>Turn one win.
>Kai Ni

I've played against a number of Parallax Arguers (PA) abusers, and all their decks revolved around letting their opponent choose:
1. Argue and play a Kivas (another 3 cards, possibly more Kivas/PA)
2. Score 5 points.

The strength of this deck was that it was psycholigically mangling the opponent. After 5 PA's : 25 points, the opponent thinks: oh no! not another five points! Argue about it! at wich time, the opponent plays a kivas and starts over again.

The best way to overcome it is just agreeing it is cool. Ok, they score 35-45 points the first turn, but after that, only five points a turn, which should give you enough time to get out an intermix ratio and laugh in their face. Also, never ever play a PA yourself if going against this deck, except if your opponent has only one card in hand and you have 2 or more PA's (which only happens if you're playing cheese also)

"Free advice is seldom cheap"



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