Revised 12/25/01 (through Holodeck Adventures)
Several cards refer to nebulas in their game text. For purposes of these cards,
a nebula is a mission location designated as a nebula (or a planet in a nebula)
in its title or lore.
Cards that Refer to Nebulas
- Isabella ("Plays on any non-Borg ship at a nebula")
- Ensign Tuvok ("Once per game, may cancel a battle at same nebula.")
- Hawk ("When aboard, your ship may treat each nebula as if its span
were reduced by 1.")
- Transwarp Hub ("Seeds or plays at any nebula.")
- [S] Corner Enemy Ship ("Dense nebula")
- [P] Establish Station ("...in a cloak-disrupting emission nebula.")
- [S] FGC-47 Research ("Study interior of nebula...")
- [P] Intelligence Operation ("...Dominion homeworld in the Omarion Nebula.")
- [S] Inversion Mystery ("Inversion nebula")
- [S] Investigate Rumors ("Search nebula...")
- [S] v Nebula
- [S] v Patrol
Neutral Zone ("Nebula at Neutral Zone")
- [S] Paxan "Wormhole" ("Ngame Nebula")
- [P] Return Life-form ("Class-J nebula")
- [S] Study Nebula
- [S] Study Protonebula
- [S] Survey Mission ("...dark matter nebula.")