>Here's an interesting question I was asked this weekend. A friend of mine said he was going to modify his seeding strategy to include about 8-9 missions, with the intent of disgarding the extra missions at the end of the seed phase.
>To be honest the thought had never occurred to me to play the missions like this. We had a minor discusssion about the 30-or-less limit on the seed cards, but the way I read the rules, as long as his extra missions are part of his (max) 30 seed cards, there's nothing wrong with this strategy - which of course has interesting tournament implications (we haven't had a STCCG tournament yet in our area - I'm running a non-sanctioned one on the 20th).
Missions are not part of the counted 30 maximum seed cards. They are seed cards, but separate from the counted cards, and you must have exactly 6 (counting v Space as half a mission).
Jolan tru,
Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)
Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer and Tal Shiar Agent
DECIPHER INC. The Art of Great Games (tm)
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