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Response to goody ... Major Rakal ... [2/22/99 13:31]

I think you are confusing a situation involving potential cheating with one involving forgetting to do something that could actually be done at any time. It's one thing for a TD to warn a player not to place their Neutral Outpost at a planet mission again, and then invoke a penalty if he does it in his next match, because that is something that cannot be corrected after the fact.

If I have a seeded HA treaty and simply forgot to turn it over when I reported my Romulans to my Cardassian Outpost, and my opponent overlooked it too, then when it is finally noticed all I have to do is show that I had it there all along. This cannot be construed as cheating, because the card *is* there and nothing changes if I flip it late. It would be entirely different if I reported them and then it turned out I did not *have* a treaty to reveal.

Jolan tru,

Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)

Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer and Tal Shiar Agent

DECIPHER INC. The Art of Great Games (tm)
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