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Actually... (txt) ... Major Rakal ... [2/ 1/99 08:49]
>>I am still trying to refine my concept of a Dominion - Alpha Quadrant only deck, and my thoughts turned to the Ferengi Trading Post.
>>The Trading post allows either player to report cards to it. If I play a trading post, can I report an infiltrating founder to this outpost on my side of the table, as opposed to reporting it to the other players outpost. Since it is a valid reporting location for my opponent, I just thought I would see if I could report my Founder there.
>No, you may not report your infiltrator there. The Dominion rules supplement explicitly states that your infiltration-icon personnel may infiltrate by reporting to your opponent's side of the table. I'm sure that the qualification is designed to prevent precisely this use of the Ferengi Trading Outpost, Nors, and Headquarters. saying "to the opponent's side of the table," it means only that your opponent is in control of the infiltrator. If you report your personnel to your opponent's Nor, they are still conceptually on "your side of the table". Physically, they may be on his side of the table, but as soon as you undock a ship you transfer it to your side, because you control it.

As the rules stand, the Ferengi Trading Post is a place that your opponent may legally report any and all affiliations. So it is in fact possible to report an infiltrator there "to his side of the table". *However*, if he has no personnel there, you haven't infiltrated his crew or Away Team; you just have an infiltrator sitting on the trading post. Kind of hard to do anything with him.

Jolan tru,

Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)

Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer and Tal Shiar Agent

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