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Re: I need some back up on dilemmas. please help me defeat my bossy opponent ?! ... Taibak ... [3/ 6/99 19:08]
>I have read, am reading and fully believe that I understand the DS9 rules supplement, in particular the dilemma section.
>It as far as I can tell states that a dilemma is discarded as soon as it is over come(assuming it doesn't say discard), this means that chula, the dice once over come is discarded.

Correct. This is in the Glossary under 'dilemmas.' A dilemma is *always* discarded if it is overcome.
>Also I have read, am reading etc the hide and seek card and review, which says it can be seeded without the aid of a beware of Q objective.
Hide And Seek itself lets it be seeded. It specifically says, 'may be seeded as [planet/space],' meaning that it needs no other cards to let it be seeded as a dilemma. You also don't need a special card to seed it as a hidden agenda event.
>please help me by confirming these bits of information.
>Borg Cola
>p.s ( incase of not wanting to read long winded questions)
>1) If I pass chula, the dice once then it is discarded.
>2) Can the Hide and seek be seeded as a dilemma without beware of q obj
>thanks for any CONFIRMATIONS....

Don't we need a bishop for a confirmation? ;-)

Taibak, who was confirmed by the bishop of Fall River.


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