>Allright, tomorrow is it! The night I play my first Borg Deck. But I've got a question or two, mostly on wierd things that may never happen, but you never know.
>1.) If I assimilate a personnel from either my opponant or becasue I Add Distinctiveness and open a pack of F.C. and then the assimilated person dies, I assume regardless of where they come from they go to MY discard pile correct? Well if I then later in the game Regenerate, and draw said card into my hand, is it still playable as an Assimialted Drone or is it just a waste of a card?
Cards that you assimilate from your opponent go to the opponent's discard pile when the die. Cards that came from your FC booster pack go to your discard pile when they die. I would say that you cannot play that personnel again if you redraw him. They are assimilated when you get them into play the first time, because you are playing them according to the text of Add Distinctiveness. You only get to do that once.
>2.) Salvage Starship states that I can go through my opponents discard pile and find a ship and add it's special equipment to my ships. If for some odd reason my Opponent is using an Edo Vessel, is the 50/50 attack nullification considered Special Equipment?
No. See "ship special equipment" in the Glossary.
>3.) What is the purpose of Locutus' JEAN LUC PICARD being in bold print? If names are irrelevant to the Borg, and I cant have a Picard in my deck anyway
>then why would a Persona rule matter?
If you get a Picard in your FC pack with Add Distinctiveness, you can't play him while you have Locutus of Borg in play. You *could* do a persona exchange, I think.
Jolan tru,
Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)
Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer and Tal Shiar Agent
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