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Re: Ajur and Boratus: random selection (txt) ... Yelgren ... [3/19/99 01:58]
>this is from the CR (Feb. 22):
>* Ajur and Boratus - When using the skill of one of these personnel to destroy all but three seed cards under a mission, you must use a random selection method that does not destroy the seed order of the remaining cards, i.e., you may not shuffle the cards.
>Now I want ask you, what is a random selction method when I may not shuffle the cards?

The Major suggests rolling a dice: roll a one the first card stays, a five the fifth one stays, and so on.

The one or two times I've used them I've tried this: for every seed card there, flip a coin. If it's heads it stays, tails it goes. Keep doing it until all but three have been removed (if there are more tails than cards, just do that round over). It's a little more complicated than the dice, but it works in a pinch. Of course, if you're using them in a tournament, bring a dice, it's quicker.







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