Here are a set of 3 decks, one of each alignment, which are made solely from common cards. They are meant to be played only against one another, and not against decks that are built with access to more powerful cards. I have been careful to achieve as much parity as possible amongst the decks. Using these decks, you can introduce your friends to the ST:TNG CCG, and ensure that you won't ruin the experience for them by overpowering them with the expertly constructed decks that you make to play against more able competitors. In addition, you can make good use of all those extra common cards you no doubt have floating around, and even make them a gift of one of these decks as their own fully functional starter deck. Certain cards have been omitted, as many of you will notice - this was done in cases where the cards would present an especially obnoxious obstacle that cannot be countered by any other common card. This applies especially to the Static Warp Bubble and the Q- Net. In the case of missions, each alignment has a mission which must be accomplished via espionage. The Federation deck also has a "Sensitive Search" mission - this is only available presently in warp packs. Each deck has personnel sufficient to complete each mission, with at least two of every needed skill. You can spice things up by adding uncommon cards, or different sets of dilemmas. For a second or third game, maybe each player can choose an extra 10 cards from your stash of uncommons and rares, and play a 70-card deck. This gives a new player a taste of the customizing experience, and makes it more interesting for you the expert. Playing with all common cards is interesting at first -- but not for too long! FEDERATION DECK Federation Outpost MISSIONS: Excavation Relief Mission Repair Mission Sensitive Search Study Stellar Collision Test Mission DILEMMAS: Archer(Planet) Impassable Door(P) Male's Love Interest(P) Microvirus(5 pts)(P) Iconian Computer Weapon(Space) Menthar Booby Trap(S) Microbiotic Colony(S) INTERRUPTS: Asteroid Sanctuary Disruptor Overload Escape Pod Loss Of Orbital Stability Palor Toff - Alien Trader Particle Fountain (5 pts) Rogue Borg Mercenaries Scan Ship Seizure EVENTS: Atmospheric Ionization Espionage: Federation on Klingon Pattern Enhancers Plasma Fire Red Alert! Res-Q Subspace Warp Rift Tetryon Field Where No One Has Gone Before EQUIPMENT: Starfleet Type II Phaser x 2 SHIPS: Type VI Shuttlecraft USS Excelsior USS Galaxy USS Nebula USS Oberth FEDERATION PERSONNEL: Calloway Giusti Christopher Hobson x 2 Sito Jaxa x 2 Linda Larson x 2 McKnight Mendon x 2 Taitt x 2 Simon Tarses Taurik x 2 Darian Wallace NON-ALIGNED PERSONNEL: Dr. Farek Gorta Narik Vekor ROMULAN DECK Romulan Outpost MISSIONS: Covert Installation Excavation Investigate Anomaly Relief Mission Study Stellar Collision Test Mission DILEMMAS: Anaphasic Organism(Planet) Impassable Door(P) Microvirus(5 pts)(P) Phased Matter(P) Iconian Computer Weapon(Space) Menthar Booby Trap(S) Microbiotic Colony(S) INTERRUPTS: Disruptor Overload Emergency Transporter Armbands Escape Pod Loss Of Orbital Stability Palor Toff - Alien Trader Particle Fountain (5 pts) Rogue Borg Mercenaries Scan Ship Seizure EVENTS: Atmospheric Ionization Espionage: Romulan on Federation Pattern Enhancers Plasma Fire Red Alert! Res-Q Subspace Warp Rift Tetryon Field Where No One Has Gone Before EQUIPMENT: Engineering Kit Medical Kit Romulan Disruptor SHIPS: D'Deridex x 2 Science Vessel Scout Vessel Yridian Shuttle (non-aligned) ROMULAN PERSONNEL: Galathon x 2 Jaron x 2 Palteth x 2 Selok Takket x 2 Tallus x 2 Tarus x 2 Taul Thei Varel x 2 NON-ALIGNED PERSONNEL: Dr. Farek Gorta Vekor KLINGON DECK Klingon Outpost MISSIONS: Excavation Fever Emergency Investigate Anomaly Relief Mission Study Plasma Streamer Test Mission DILEMMAS: Anaphasic Organism(Planet) Archer(P) Female's Love Interest(P) Microvirus(5 pts)(P) Phased Matter(P) Iconian Computer Weapon(Space) Menthar Booby Trap(S) Microbiotic Colony(S) INTERRUPTS: Disruptor Overload Escape Pod Klingon Right Of Vengeance Loss Of Orbital Stability Palor Toff - Alien Trader Particle Fountain (5 pts) Rogue Borg Mercenaries Scan Ship Seizure EVENTS: Atmospheric Ionization Espionage: Klingon on Federation Pattern Enhancers Plasma Fire Red Alert! Res-Q Subspace Warp Rift Tetryon Field Where No One Has Gone Before EQUIPMENT: Engineering PADD Klingon PADD SHIPS: Combat Vessel (non-aligned) IKC K'Vort IKC Vor'Cha x 2 Yridian Shuttle (non-aligned) KLINGON PERSONNEL: B'iJik x 2 Batrell Divok x 2 Dukath x 2 Gorath J'Ddan x 2 Klag Kle'eg Kromm x 2 Torin x 2 Vekma NON-ALIGNED PERSONNEL: Dr. Farek Gorta Narik x 2