How it Works:
This deck sacrifices a large number of seed cards in an attempt to get an armada
out on turn one. From there, it's simply a matter of destroying your opponent's
forces and completing some easy 50-point missions to win.
On the first turn, flip your Spacedoor and get a D'deridex as your main ship.
If you've drawn sufficient Going to the Tops and Devidian Doors, then get four
unique personnel together and attempt one of your opponent's missions. (Don't
forget, you can use Quarks Isolinear Rods to get 10 and 01 or Senetor Letant in
your hand). If you can't do this on turn one, don't be afraid to wait a turn.
When you attempt their mission you encounter your Rascals-Ooby Dooby -- all four
people become kids and now have Youth, and Ooby Dooby will then give you some
extra cards. Play a Distortion of Space-Time Continuum and move on to the three
Ooby Dooby cards you seeded under your own missions to draw lots more cards. All
the time, keep playing interrupts and Devidian Doors -- don't let your hand reach
13 cards!
Using Hidden Fighter, you'll soon have an armada out with which to damage their
outpost or go do some missions -- preferably theirs!