The One
(A Borg / NAL Quick Rules Deck)

Matt Clouser (
February 2009

This deck was built around using Lore as a counterpart and attempting NAL missions.  Both planet missions - Assist Cooperative and Restore Victims - are NAL missions that garner you 40 pts and 55 pts respectively.  The skills are fairly easy for this deck to get into play, then use the Vinculum to multiply the skills as needed.


Facilities (1)
Borg Outpost

Seeds (4)
Queen's Borg Cube
Borg Vinculum
Fair Play

Missions (4)
Assist Cooperative (P / 30*)
Reinitialize Warp Reaction (S / 35)
Restore Victims (P / 55)
Salvage Operation (S / X)

Dilemma Side Deck (20)
Blended (P)
Hidden Entrance (P)
Malfunctioning Door (P)
Security Precaution (P)
Shot in the Back (P)
Conundrum (S)
Gravimetric Distortion (S)
Maglock (S)
Navigational Hazards (S)
Strict Dress Code (S)
Assassin's Blade (S/P)
Borg Servo (S/P) x 2
Common Thief  (S/P)
Don't Call Me Ahab (S/P)
Lack of Preparation
Oupost Raid  (S/P) x 2
Undetected Beam-In (S/P) x 2


Locutus' Borg Cube
Queen's Borg Sphere
Borg Cube x2

Personnel (29)
Borg Queen (Borg)
Borg Queen (FC) x2
Eight of Eighteen (Annexation Drone)
Eight of Fifteen (Antitoxin Drone)
Eighteen of Nineteen (Astrogation Drone)
Eleven of Nineteen (Bio-Med Drone) x2
Eleven of Twelve (Connectivity Drone)
Four of Eleven (Guard Drone)
Four of Nine (Heurisitics Drone)
Nine of Eleven (Interlink Drone)
Nine of Fifteen (Isotope Drone)
Seven Of Nine (Proficiency Drone)
Seventeen Of Eighteen (Purification Drone)
Six of Twelve (Sentinel Drone)
Sixteen of Nineteen (Survey Drone)
Ten of Nineteen (Tachyon Drone)
Third and Fourth
Third of Five (Tactic Drone)
Three of Nine (Tactician Drone)
Two of Eleven (Transport Drone)
Two of Nine (Transtator Drone)
One (NAL)
Orum (NAL/Rom)
Seven Of Nine (NAL/Fed)

Equipment (3)
Borg Data Node
Palor Toff - Alien Trader
Maturation Chamber

Events (5)
Activate Subcommands x2
Red Alert
We Are The Borg x2

Interrupts (9)
A Change of Plans
Adapt: Negate Obstruction x3
Awaken x3
Nanoprobe Resuscitation
Three-Dimensional Thinking

Objectives (1)
Reassimilate Lost Drone



Seed Phase:
Play Restore Victims as your first missions and play the space missions next.  Place your outpost as close as you can to Restore Victims.

Play Phase:
Since your space missions are very vulnerable to stealing, your Fair Play seed prevents that.  By the second hand, you should have either an Activate Subcommands or Awaken available.  Target Restore Victims (SCIENCEx2 + Physicsx3 + Transporter Skillx2) as your first mission attempt.  Lore has Transporter Skill. Two of Nine, Nine of Fifteen, and NAL Seven of Nine have both SCIENCE and Physics as regular skills for sharing.  Add in a Eleven of Nineteen (Bio-Med Drone) for insurance and go for Restore Victims.  Both space missions are fairly easily scored by Borg drones. If Restore Victims is blocked, Assist Cooperative is there for backup.

Helpful hints:

- Be on the lookout for any of your opponents missions that have no affiliation flag - most of them are easily attempted by your deck.  However, if he as a hidden agenda seeded, it may be Fair Play.

- Watch out for Ferengi Decks or decks with alot of NAL personnel - they could conceivably steal your planet missions.