Seed Phase:
Play Restore Victims as your first missions and play the space
missions next. Place your outpost as close as you can to
Restore Victims.
Play Phase:
Since your space missions are very vulnerable to stealing, your
Fair Play seed prevents that. By the second hand, you should
have either an
Activate Subcommands or Awaken available. Target Restore
Victims (SCIENCEx2 + Physicsx3 + Transporter Skillx2) as your
first mission attempt. Lore has Transporter Skill. Two of
Nine, Nine of Fifteen, and NAL Seven of Nine have both SCIENCE and
Physics as regular skills for sharing. Add in a Eleven of Nineteen (Bio-Med Drone)
for insurance and go for Restore Victims. Both space
missions are fairly easily scored by Borg drones. If Restore
Victims is blocked, Assist Cooperative is there for backup.
Helpful hints:
- Be on the lookout for any of your opponents missions that
have no affiliation flag - most of them are easily attempted by
your deck. However, if he as a hidden agenda seeded, it may
be Fair Play.
- Watch out for Ferengi Decks or decks with alot of NAL
personnel - they could conceivably steal your planet missions.