Gambit Mercenary Deck
Tallera (clmay@uiuc.edu)
September 1998
The two-part episode "Gambit" has always been a favorite of mine, and I
liked the idea of a completely Non-Aligned "theme deck" based on it.
Acquiring a true Non-Aligned outpost (Husnock Outpost) from the OTSD and
the final personnel I needed (Galen) from a lucky Q-Continuum booster pack,
I decided I was ready to fashion the all-time greatest Non-Aligned deck!
Well, maybe not, but it does have its strong points, and I'm very proud of
some of the finer details!
Missions (6)
Establish Relations
Impose Order
Qualor II Rendezvous
Samaritan Snare
Space x2
Test Propulsion System
Dilemmas (25)
Female's Love Interest
Anaphasic Organism
Parallel Romance
Matriarchal Society
Shaka, When the Walls Fell
Tarellian Plague Ship
Hippocratic Oath
Coalescent Organism
Two-Dimensional Creatures
Cardassian Trap
Android Nightmares
Lack of Preparation
Barclay's Protomorphosis Disease
Lack of Preparation
Make Us Go
Theta-Radiation Poisoning
Empathic Echo
Frame of Mind
Cardassian Trap
Artifacts (2)
Persistance of Memory
Vulcan Stone of Gol
Outposts (1)
Neutral Outpost
Doorways (2)
Alternate Universe Doorway
Q's Tent
Outposts (1)
Husnock Outpost
Ships (4)
Mercenary Ship
Yridian Shuttle
Zalkonian Vessel
Personnel (27)
Dr. Farek
Dr. Soong
Ishara Yar
Lily Sloane
Soong-Type Android
Ves Alkar
Mickey D.
Thomas Paris
Etana Jol
Equipment (1)
Medical Kit
Events (4)
Kivas Fajo - Collector
Neural Servo Device
Metaphasic Shields
Interrupts (2)
Palor Toff - Alien Trader
Parallax Arguers
Doorways (6)
Q's Tent x6
Black Hole
Ready Room Door
Plasmadyne Relay
Kevin Uxbridge
Klim Dokachin
Zalkonian Vessel
Red Alert!
The Charybdis
Captain's Log
Kivas Fajo - Collector
Full Planet Scan
I decided on the six missions for this deck because I had to give up one slotin order to seed the two universal Space missions (which, due to the card's ability to be inserted anywhere in the spaceline, should be adjacent) and use the Black Hole. All of the other missions are attemptable by Non-Aligned personnel or by one of the multi-affiliation personnel included (i.e. Garak, Tallera, etc.). Be sure to try and seed Qualor II Rendezvous at one end of the spaceline. This is also the mission where your outpost and Persistance of Memory should be seeded. Also, try and seed one of the space missions on the opposite end of the spaceline. The Vulcan Stone of Gol can go anywhere; I included it more for its thematic value than its game text. Be sure to bring along some extra universal space missions for the Black Hole to
spit out (see below).
The dilemmas are listed in seven combos, and should be encountered in the
order listed. I am a big fan of "weeding" combos, in which the first two
or three dilemmas "weed out" certain personnel types before the last
dilemma hits 'em with a dire need for just those personnel that are no
longer around.... I've included two planet, two space, and three
space/planet combos.
With so many Q's Tents in the draw deck, hopefully you'll get one or
two in your very first seven cards. Use one ASAP to grab the Red Alert!
and/or the Kivas Fajo - Collector, in order to get as many personnel
through your hand and onto the table as possible early. There is also
a second Collector in your draw deck for use later, and a Res-Q and
Palor Toff in order to get one back. It would also be a good idea to
get that Kevin Uxbridge out of the Tent and into your hand early, in
case he's needed. The Charybdis is a quick and easy way to prevent your
opponent from acquiring any of those artifacts s/he seeded without some
Archeology, while you have Galen and Baran to come to your aid. The
Ready Room Door can be used to download Baran to the Mercenary Ship
or Dathon to the Tama once you have them out, followed by Tenting for
that Captain's Log to raise the ships' stats. Your outpost is seeded
at the Qualor II Rendezvous, so as soon as you have Amarie at your outpost
you can start attempting the dilemmas there using whatever strategy
you prefer.
FYI, however, there are lots of
superfluous personnel included, so red-shirting is a distinct option. Once
you've got those 30 points under your belt, you'll want to quickly target
another mission so that you can play your Colony (remember you can't play a
Colony at the same mission as your outpost, so you'll need to attempt another
mission first). Leave as many uneeded personnel at your (well-protected) colony as possible for
those extra points. At this point you should also Tent for your Black Hole
and play it between the two universal Space missions. Then immediately
play your newly-acquired Persistance of Memory on that Hole in order to
reverse it. According to the Current Rulings, "reversing" a Black Hole means
that instead of sucking in pieces of the spaceline, it starts spitting out new
ones! Every four turns, insert a universal Space mission on alternating
sides of the Black Hole. Pretty soon your opponent will have a pretty long
hike in between missions and outpost, while your outpost is all the way at
one end, and Lakanta lets you skip around the edge!
This extra-long spaceline also makes the Cytherian dilemma a VERY painful 15 points! And if
your opponent tries to play WNMHGB, Uxbridge it, to force that affiliation to
take the looooooong way around. Even if Lakanta manages to foolishly get himself killed, you can
hopefully build that Neutral Outpost on the other end of the spaceline, and
the Zalkonian Vessel's significant range and super-easy staffing
requirements will help ease the pain of your long journey. Don't let your
opponent's wrath intimidate you, either. With a good Captain's Log and
Plasmadyne Relay, any attack of vengeance won't bother you a bit. Continue
to clean up your missions with impunity as your opponent struggles to cross
the quadrant for your 100 points.
Since "Gambit" is a Next Generation episode, and since I had alreay started
creating this deck when the DS9 expansion was released, this deck contains
no DS9 cards. For a slightly different flavor, a few DS9 Non-Aligned
personnel could be substituted for some of the dilemma fodder listed here,
and Deliver Supplies can replace Test Propulsion System. While Kasidy
Yates isn't yet an option for completing this mission, two CIVILIANS and
Transporter Skill are a snap, and the Zibalian Transport again comes in
handy. This mission is worth quite a few more points, too! In any case, I
hope this deck is as fun for you to tinker with and play as it was for me
to create! :c)