[main navigation][star trek main navigation][Image] [side navigation] [side navigation] Tournament Deck From Travis Swearingen September 1996 SEED CARDS DRAW DECK Missions (6) Personnel (15) Fever Emergency Divok Hunt for DNA Program Gowron Krios Suppresion Governor Worf Relief Mission Kurn Sarthong Plunder Nu'Daq Cloaked Mission K'mtar Koral Dilemmas Koroth Dathon Do with what you have.Vekor x2 Use your best dilemmasRoga Danar and best combos to getOcett Lakanta the opponent. Baran Artifacts (1) Ships (4) Varon-T Disruptor IKC Fek'Ihr IKC Bortas Outposts (1) IKC Pagh IKC Qu'vat Klingon Outpost Equipment (1) Other (1) Medical Kit AU Door Events (6) Kivas Fajo Red Alert x2 Klim Dokachin The Traveler: Transcendence [Image] [Image] Genetronic Replicator [Image] Interrupts (10) Amanda Rogers x2 Kevin Uxbridge x2 Q2 x2 Full Planet scan x2 Temporal Rift Palor Toff 1. With all planet missions your missions will probably be seeded rather scarcely allowing easier play 2. Varon T-disruptor is in there to help with the missions which need Strength. Both Fever Emergency and Relief Mission can be done with 1 or 2 people. Usually I put the Varon-T under the Cloaked Mission due to the fact that it can be completed by any number of personel--it is a quick thirty and the Varon-T. 3. Lakanta is there primarily for his Traveler skill and because the Klingons are beyond stupid and need some brains in their ranks. 4. Hunt For DNA does two things. 1 - It is a big scorer which is doable...the skills are there and in good numbers. 2 - It is there to attact the big dillemas away from the smaller yet much much easier to do missions. 5. 2 Red Alerts to make sure you get one out, which is a must for a good crew deck like this. 6. Genetronic Replicator has always been a fave of mine. With Vekor 1 and 2, Divok, plus the Medical Kit and 5 Officers, the Medical is there to form up an almost invincible away team. [back to the top][Decipher Inc.][go to the lobby] [Decipher Copyrights] text map