DOORWAYS Q's Tent Spacedoor
Space-Time Portal MISSIONS Cloaked Mission Gault
Reported Activity Investigate Anomaly Study "Hole in Space" Space
x2 DILEMMAS Alien Labyrinth Flaxian Assassin Founder
Secret Odo's "Cousin" Primitive Culture Borg Ship x3 Maglock
Berserk Changeling Dal'Rok Dead End DNA Clues Edo Probe
Empathic Echo Friendly Fire Hippocratic Oath Interphasic Plasma
Creatures Lack of Preparation Unscientific Method HIDDEN
AGENDAS Fair Play Hide and Seek Mirror Image Operate Wormhole
Relays FACILITIES Klingon Outpost Neutral Outpost
OBJECTIVES Assign Mission Specialists Q'S TENT CONTENTS
Dead End I.K.C. Rotarran Anti-Time Anomaly Bynars Weapon Enhancement
Goddess of Empathy Intermix Ratio Regenerate Revolving Door
Anti-Matter Spread Full Planet Scan Tachyon Detection Grid
The Devil Black Hol | DRAW
DECK PERSONNEL Korris Konmel Gorath Governor
Worf Kargan K'chiQ Kitrik K'nera Kurn Martok
10 and 01 Baran Dathon Roga Danar Suna Vekor SHIPS
I.K.C. Hegh'ta I.K.C. K'vort I.K.C. Pagh Mercenary Ship
Tama EVENTS Bynars Weapon Enhancement Captain's Log
Kivas Fajo - Collector x2 Regenerate Revolving Door The Traveler:
Transcendence x2 INTERRUPTS Amanda Rogers x2 Kevin Uxbridge
x4 Palor Toff - Alien Trader x3 Q2 x2 Rogue Borg Mercenaries x4
DOORWAYS Q's Tent x4 Ready Room Door x4 OBJECTIVES
Reflection Therapy