Klingon Utility Deck Ronara Regional Tournament 13th Place Matt Clouser SEED CARDS - The Great Hall - Klingon Outpost - Space-Time Portal - Space Door - Mirror Mirror (HA) - Quark's Isolinear Rods (HA) - Hide and Seeks (HA) - Operate Wormhole Relays (HA) - Assign Mission Specialists - HQ: Secure Homeworld - Q's Tent - The Sheliak / Chula the Chandra / Q - Sleeper Trap / Firestorm / In the Pale Moonlight - Scout Encounter / Quantum Singularity Lifeforms / Dal'rok - Theta Radiation Poisoning / Cytherians / Borg Ship - Friendly Fire / Unscientific Method / Scientific Method - Lack of Preparation / The Higher the Fewer / Dead End - Balancing Act MISSIONS - Expose Covert Supply - Bat'leth Tournament x 3 - Study "Hole in Space" - Wormhole Negotiations Q'S TENT - I.K.C K'Vort - I.K.C Vor'Cha - Cha'Joh - Sisters of Duras - Soong-Type Android - 10 and 01 - Q'Pla! - Blood Oath - Intermix Ratio - Jasad - Dakol - Telle - Cardassian Disruptor Rifle DECK CARDS - I.K.C. Negh'Var - I.K.C. Bortas - I.K.C. Pagh - I.K.C. Hegh'ta - I.K.C. Rotarran - I.K.C. Karaga - I.K.C. Lukara - Gowron - Kahless - Governor Worf - Worf Son of Mogh - Kurn - Kang - Kor - Koloth - Jadzia Dax - Martok x 2 - Jodmos - Margh - Kurak - Quark Son of Keldar - Grilka - Kargon - Borak - Kitrik - Korris - T'Kar - Gorath - Kromm - Vekma - K'chiQ x 3 - Bat'leth x 4 - Bynar's Weapon Enhancement x 2 - Captain's Log - Regenerate - Res-Q - The Traveller:Transcendence - Amanda Rogers - Arbiter of Succession - Kevin Uxbridge x 2 - Palor Toff - Alien Trader x 2 - Q2 - Temporal Rift x 2 - The Devil - Reactor Overload - Alternate Universe Door - Ready Room Door x 2 - Temporal Vortex