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Klingon Armada Ideas ... Koloth ... [5/ 5/99 15:59] |
I am personally fond of Empok Nor as it gives you a lot of control over what ships and personnel make up your Armada is. It works as follows.
Seed Empok Nor at Mining Survey. Seed AMS with Kromm and Narik or Kle'eg and Narik. These combos allow you to start processing Ore quickly. Narik provides the Computer Skill to Commandeer. Just make sure there is a Klingon with him to make your Station Klingon. Turn one use Space Door to Download Mercenary Vessel if you do not start out with a K'Vort Ship (Unique ones not universal). Use a Q's Tent to get a Ready Room Door. Use it to Download Baran the Mercenary Vessel's matching commander. He will act as a backup Computer Skill. Load Up and fly to Empok Nor (Use Docking Ports as your docking site) Commandeer. I recommend using Computer Crash to nullify Sleeper Trap and with Nark and Kromm if they are hit by Garak Has Some issues you will not be in trouble as they have low cunning and won't be killing anyone. Friendly Fire is the one to watch out for. If you hit it you'll just have to wait it out. You will get the first chance at it again. Turn 2 - Once Commandeered you will want to download Process Ore from your Q's Tent as you are going to need the Ready Room Door that should be sitting on the Top of it at the beginning of your turn. Move Kromm or Kle'eg to Ore Processing (which ever you are using). Turn 3 - Process Ore. Note processing Ore will always return Ready Room Door to your hand each turn. Make use of it. Down load via Ops and Docking Ports the I.K.C. Rotarran. Use the Ready Room Door to Download Martok to the Rotarran. Turn 4 - Process Ore. Download the Cha'Joh via Ops to Docking Ports. Use Ready Room Door to download the Sisters of Duras. Turn 5 - Process Ore. Download the I.K.C. Hegh'ta via Ops to Docking Ports. Use Ready Room Dor to download Kurn to his ship. (getting the idea) If your opponents facility is fart away launch your armada and start moving toward him. You should have Mercenary Vessel, the Rottaran, Hegh'ta and Cha'Joh. Turn 6 - Process Ore. Play 10 and 01 if you have him at this point. Probably will have him about 1 in every 4 to 5 games. If you do download Bynar's Weapon enhancement. Use the Ready Room Door to Download Captain's Log. Protect it if you wish or keep it handy with Process Ore to get the I.K.C. Pagh and Kargan next turn or get Gowron or Nu'daq if you have the Bortas or Maht-H'a in your hand. At this point with 4 commanded ships even with out Bynar's you should have an armada approaching weapons of 50. Don't forget Martok adds +2 to each Klingon Ship at the same locations as he is. At this point your opponent should be very afraid. Destroy all vestiges of Outpost, Stations, HQs and ships. Take no Survivors. After destruction is complete solve missions at your leisure and rest assured that the Klingon Empire will reign supreme for many years to come ;-). That all being said just a few other notes about it. This deck works very well at shutting down your opponent. If I remember correctly out of 4 tournaments with it I think only the Borg has much success in scoring points at all. It has lost 3 times twice to Borg Cubes and once to another Klingon Deck. One Tie vs. Bajor Battle. Dratted Intermix Ratio. The problem you could run into is that you get so wrapped up in destroying things you run out of time to solve missions and score points. Don't wait to long to attempt Missions. You might try a colony with this one to get points going. Qapla'! Koloth |