Sure... ... Ambassador Spock ... 07.31-20:46
>>>A seeded Ferengi Infestation to stop the initial attempt.
>>>A self seed Borg Ship dilemma under the mission where Empok is seeded.
>>>Trip your own BSD and there goes Empok.
>>>Will the work ?

Seeded Husnock outpost/ship
QIR for 10+01, counts as card play (16 CUN, Computer Skill, 2 Stf)
AMS Atul, Loreva (13 CUN, SEC, Stf)
ASP K'mpec (8 CUN, Leadership)
DH Anya -> Salia (13 CUN, SEC, Exo, Leadership)
Writ for Brunt (uses TMW) (8 CUN, 2 Treachery)

Computer Skill to comandeer, 58 CUN + 2 Sec + 2 Leadership to get past Friendly Fire and Ferengi Infestation. Leadership and 3 Stf to get by Oops! 2 Exo to cure Garak Has Some Issues. Sleeper Trap could hurt, but you can use The Art of Diplomacy to d/l a hand weapon to Brunt for some help with that.

Have fun!


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