Daval's Revenge

Draw Deck:
Daval x13
Distortion of Space/Time Continuum x5
Q's Tent x5
Captain Koloth

Q's Tent:
Governor Worf
Quark Son of Keldar
IKC Gr'oth
Battle Cruiser
Revolving Door
Obelisk of Masaka
Masaka Transformations

Krios Suppression
Investigate Disturbance
Explore Black Cluster
Deliver Message
Wormhole Negotiations
Cloaked Mission

Q x4 (Self-seeded, duh)
Edo Probe - Cytherians
Aphasia - Male's Love Interest & Plague Ship
Lineup - Crisis - Lack of Prep
Chula: The Chandra - Alien Parasites & REM Fatigue
Edo Probe - Dead End
Computer Weapon & Hyper-Aging - Male's Love Interest & Plague Ship
Tower of Commerce
Klingon Outpost
Space Door
Q the Referee x2
Space-Time Portal x2
Alternate Universe Door
Assign Mission Specialists
Quark's Isolinear Rods
Defend Homeworld
Assign Support Personnel

How to play it:

DH for Gov Worf, QiR for Quark SoK, ASP for K'Vada, AMS for Korris and
Kahless. Tent for the Gr'oth, and STP drop it with four AU people. Play
Quark for free to the Tower. Download Captain Koloth with the Gr'oth. Play
another person if you have one, Q-Bypass and win the game. Use Distortions
for extra range.

Alternatively, if you don't get a Tent in your opening hand (even after
discarding a QtR for a draw and using Masaka on yourself, you can Spacedoor
the Battle Cruiser, STP back to your hand, and then drop it with the other

~ mike

// Editor's note: if using this deck, beware any players who would do harm to those who use Q-bypass!  Don't forget a QtR/Temporal Vortex will shut down the Distortions, and a Writ will kill the deck.

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