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Gool Ol' Federation Deck
John Getty (
June 1998

I began this deck a long time ago in an attempt to make a command crew deck. Then the Alternate Universe and Q-Continuum and First Contact and finally, The Fajo Collection, came out. I have changed this deck a couple of times for a try at the other affiliations, but I've always come back to my first love, the Federation.

The basic idea of the deck is to get your personnel out from your Q's Tent as soon as you can. You should be able to get a Q's Tent very quickly. Then start drawing your key personnel out and do the missions.

You want to place your outpost on the Reunion mission. If you have a regenerating card you can waste your first Q's Tent to draw Spock, McCoy or Scotty. Do Reunion for 15 points if your opponent is playing Borg. This will protect your outpost. You will have wanted to put your Kurlan Naiskos on Reunion.

After that, just play out the rest of the deck. As a note, the dilemmas and Q-Flash cards I put down are just a guide. I have geared them specifically towards one of my more dastardly opponents. You might want to use some other dilemmas to counter cards that you have met in local tournaments.


Missions (7)
Cultural Observation
Avert Disaster
Risa Shore Leave
Fissure Research
Space x2

Dilemmas (16)
Coalescent Organism
Cardassian Trap x2
Dead End
Don't Call Me Ahab x2
Frame of Mind
Q's Viscious Animal Things
Q-Flash x3
Shot in the Back
The Higher... The Fewer
Theta Radiation Poisioning

Artifacts (3)
Iconian Gateway
Kurlan Naiskos

Outposts (1)
Federation Outpost

Doorways (3)
Alternate Universe Door
Q's Tent


U.S.S. Enterprise
U.S.S. Phoenix
U.S.S. Yamato

Personnel (20)
Admiral Picard
Beverly Crusher
Commander Data
Data (First Contact)
Deanna Troi
Geordi La Forge
Jean Luc Picard
Katherine Pulaski
Lt.(j.g.) Picard
Madam Guinan
Mr. Homn
Rachel Garret
Soong-Type Andriod x2
Tasha Yar
Wesley Crusher
William T. Riker

Events (8)
Metaphasic Shields
Red Alert!
Res-Q x2
Rishon Uxbridge
Yellow Alert

Interrupts (9)
Amanda Rodgers
Incoming Message: Attack Authorization
Kevin Uxbridge
Palor Toff x3

Doorways (5)
Q's Tent x5


Q-Continuum Side Deck (30)
Aldebaran Serpent x4
Amanda's Parents x4
Are These Truly Your Friends, Brother?
Go Back Whence Thou Camest x2
Incoming Message- The Continuum x4
Into the Breach
Jealous Amanda
Lemon Aid x2
Mandarin Bailiff x2
Pla-Net x2
Q's Planet
Scottish Setter x2
Subsection Q, Paragraph 10 x2
The Issue is Patriotism
You Will in Time

Q's Tent (13)
Admiral McCoy
Berlingoff Rasmussen
Beverly Picard
Bynars Weapon Enhacement
Commander Troi
Future Enterprise
Genetronic Replicator
Ira Graves
Montgomery Scott
Nutational Shields
Paul Porter
Roga Danar

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