The Wrath of Wesley Deck From Wesley Crusher August 1996 Chances are, you don't have the entire bridge crew. If you do, you're bound to get tired of them after a while. Or, maybe you've just spent a long day at the office and you want to throw diplomacy to the wind and just blow stuff up. You need Klingons. SEED DECK DRAW DECK Missions(6) Personnel (13) Study Plasma Streamer Wesley Crusher Explore Dyson Sphere Beverly Crusher Investigate Time Geordi La Forge Continuum Data Evaluate Terraforming Jean-Luc Picard Repair Mission Worf Restore Errant Moon Satelk Sirna Kolrami Outpost (1) Mendon Etana Jol Federation Outpost Roga Danar Vekor Artifact (3) Lakanta Betazoid Gift Box Ships(3) Cryosatellite Horga'hn* U.S.S. Enterprise Runabout Personnel (3) Tama Jack Crusher* Doorway Lt. (j.g.) Picard* Rachel Garrett* Devidian Door Doorway (1) Events Alternate Universe Door The Traveler: Transcendence Dilemmas(16) Nutational Shields Kivas Fajo - Collector The Higher... The Fewer Goddess of Empathy Hologram Ruse Res-Q Male's Love Interest Klim Dokachim Hidden Entrance Static Warp Bubble Firestorm Red Alert! Alien Labyrinth Barclay's Protomorphosis Interrupts Disease Shaka, When The Walls Palor Toff - Alien Fell Trader Female's Love Interest Kevin Uxbridge Matriarchal Society Destroy Radioactive [Image] [ImagNagilum Garbage Scow [Image] Radioactive Garbage Scow Distortion of Cosmic String Fragment Space/Time Continuum Null Space Q2 Nanites Cytherians (*) Seeded with Cryosatellite The deck outlined here contains mostly common cards, with two rares and a few uncommons. With a Warp Pack and a few Alternate Universe boosters, you shouldn't have much trouble throwing it together. The main strategy of this deck is to attack, attack, attack! Load your ships up with Officers, so you'll be able to attack and wait for your opponent to make his move. Mission accomplishment is secondary with this deck. Cripple your opponent first, and then worry about the missions. If you try to do missions first, you risk losing personnel and ships to dilemmas. Bynars - Weapon Enhancement: One of the two rares, this raises the weapons of all your ships by two. How useful can you get? Nutational Shields does the same to your shields. Auto-Destruct Sequence: The best way for a true warrior to die. Distortion of Space/Time Continuum: This will allow you to make another move or attack with a ship, so you can damage and then destroy him in one turn. Husnock Ship: With Weapons of 9 and Shields of 12, this baby can really dish out the pain and walk away without a scratch. K'Vorts & K'Ratak: Each of these ships only require one person to staff them. Stick a single Officer on each, and you've got a deadly armada. Excavation: Espionage allows you to do this Fed/Rom mission. If nothing else, it'll confuse the heck out of your opponents. Dilemmas: Conundrum makes him attack you; the Love Interests strand his characters, leaving them vulnerable to attack; Impassable Door, Malfunctioning Door, Menthar Booby Trap, Worshiper slow him down, allowing you to move in to attack; Interphasic Plasma Creatures lower his personnel's Strengths; and Hunter Gangs, Microbiotic Colony, and Tarellian Plague Ship can decimate his ships and Away Teams. [back to the top][Decipher Inc.][go to the lobby] [Decipher Copyrights] text map