
OS/HQ Fed Speed Deck
Legalgun |
Date Posted: |
12/6/2001 |
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Gotta love a deck that gives you boatloads of free plays!
Missions S/P Span Point
1 Agricultural Assessment P 4 30 Seed Sherman's Peak
2 Avert Disaster P 3 40
3 Espionage Mission P 3 40 Seed OotP
4 Explore Dyson Sphere S 2 35
5 Investigate Rogue Comet S 3 30
6 Repair Mission S 2 35
1 Office of the President Facility - Federation
2 Federation Outpost Facility - Federation
Other Seeds
3 Alternate Universe Doorway Doorway
4 Q's Tent Doorway
5 Spacedoor DL UI Doorway
6 Mirror Image HA Event
7 Q the Referee HA DL TV Incident
8 Quark's Isolinear Rods HA Incident
9 Assign Mission Specialists Objective
10 HQ: Secure Homeworld Objective
11 Visit Cochrane Memorial Objective
12 Sherman's Peak DL DSK7 Time Location
Dilemmas S/P
13 Hull Breach S Space
14 Ankari "Spirits" S
15 Cytherians S
16 The Swarm S Space
17 Borg Ship S
18 Drumhead S
19 Friendly Fire S/P S/P
20 Ferengi Infestation S/P
21 The Higher the Fewer S/P
22 Horta P Planet
23 Denevan Neural Parasites P
24 Executive Authorization P
25 Spatial Rift S/P Planet
26 Kazon Bomb S/P
27 Primitive Culture P
28 Lack of Preparation S/P S/P
29 Edo Probe S/P
30 Dead End S/P
Q's Tent
1 Temporal Vortex DL QTR Doorway
2 Classic Communicator DL O'Brien Equipment
3 Classic Medical Tricorder DL Bashir Equipment
4 Classic Tricorder DL Dax Equipment
5 Classic Type II Phser DL Scott Equipment
6 Bynar's Weapon Enhancement DL 10 Event
7 Captain's Log DL RRD Event
8 Defiant Dedication Plaque DL RRD Event
9 Deep Space K-7 DL SP Facility - Federation
10 Senior Staff Meeting DL RRD Interrupt
11 Divert Power DL RRD Objective
12 10 and 01 44/88/22 ENG x 2 Personnel - Non-Aligned
13 U.S.S. Intrepid DL SD Ship - Federation
Draw Deck
1 Ready Room Door Doorway
2 Ready Room Door Doorway
3 Ready Room Door Doorway
4 Ready Room Door Doorway
5 Engineering PADD Equipment
6 Fair Play Event
7 Kivas Fajo: Collector Event
8 Kivas Fajo: Collector Event
9 Nutational Shields Event
10 Revolving Door Event
11 The Traveler Trancendance Event
12 Villagers With Torches DL QTR Event
13 Q The Referee Incident
14 Amanda Rogers Interrupt
15 Kevin Uxbridge Interrupt
16 Kevin Uxbridge Interrupt
17 Nanoprobe Resuccitation Interrupt
18 Nanoprobe Resuccitation Interrupt
19 Nanoprobe Resuccitation Interrupt
20 Palor Toff: Alien Trader Interrupt
21 Palor Toff: Alien Trader Interrupt
22 Quinn Interrupt
23 Admiral Hayes 7/6/4 VIP Personnel - Federation
24 Admiral Leyton 5/8/8 VIP/SEC Personnel - Federation
25 Admiral Ross 6/8/7 VIP Personnel - Federation
26 Ambassador Krajensky 7/8/5 VIP/ENG Personnel - Federation
27 Captain Kirk 8/9/8 OFF Personnel - Federation
28 Data and Geordi 68/108/126 OFF/ENG x 3 Personnel - Federation
29 Dr. McCoy 8/8/5 MED x 2 Personnel - Federation
30 Elizabeth Lense 6/9/4 MED/SCI Personnel - Federation
31 Ensign Chekov 6/7/6 OFF/SCI Personnel - Federation
32 Ensign O'Brien 8/7/7 ENG Personnel - Federation
33 Fleet Admiral Shanthi 9/6/4 OFF Personnel - Federation
34 Katherine Pulaski 7/7/4 MED x 2/SCI Personnel - Federation
35 Lt. Bailey 6/6/7 OFF Personnel - Federation
36 Lt. Bashir 6/9/5 MED x 2 Personnel - Federation
37 Lt. D'Amato 6/6/5 SCI Personnel - Federation
38 Lt. Dax 7/9/7 SCI Personnel - Federation
39 Lt. Grant 6/5/7 SEC Personnel - Federation
40 Lt. Grant 6/5/7 SEC Personnel - Federation
41 Lt. Kyle 7/7/6 ENG Personnel - Federation
42 Lt. Nagata 7/7/5 ENG Personnel - Federation
43 Lt. Sisko 7/8/8 OFF/ENG Personnel - Federation
44 Lt. Sulu 7/7/6 OFF/SCI Personnel - Federation
45 Lt. Uhura 7/7/4 OFF/ENG Personnel - Federation
46 Lt. Watley 7/7/4 SCI/MED Personnel - Federation
47 Luther Sloan 3/9/7 SEC x 2 Personnel - Federation
48 Mr. Scott 7/8/7 ENG x 2 Personnel - Federation
49 Mr. Spock 8/10/9 SCI x 2/OFF Personnel - Federation
50 Nilz Baris 6/6/5 VIP Personnel - Federation
51 Nurse Chapel 7/7/4 MED Personnel - Federation
52 Reginald Barclay (FC) 7/8/5 ENG Personnel - Federation
53 Sarita Carson 6/7/5 SEC/SCI Personnel - Federation
54 Balok 8/8/4 OFF Personnel - Non-Aligned
55 Odo 9/7/7 CIV/SEC x 2 Personnel - Non-Aligned
56 Ruk 6/6/16 SEC/ENG Personnel - Non-Aligned
57 Worf 7/6/10 CIV/SEC Personnel - Non-Aligned
58 Starship Enterprise 6/5/6 Ship - Federation
59 U.S.S. Sao Paulo 8/9/10 Ship - Federation
60 U.S.S. Thunderchild 10/7/8 Ship - Federation
61 Fesarius 9/12/18 Ship - Non-Alligned
Mission Specialists
Reginald Barclay 7/7/5 ENG Personnel - Federation
Benjamin Maxwell 9/7/5 OFF Personnel - Federation
Lot's of strategy here!
Turn one:
Use ASM to plop down Barclay (PR) and Ben Maxwell. Then Spacedoor for the Intrepid and zip ol Barclay over to visit the memorial. Down the line when the FC persona comes up, switch them and get double probes. Use the Rods to get the bynar and download the weapon enhancements. Once you acutally load up the Enterprise, she's almost unstoppable. Couple that with Kirk's ability, and you'll even have the Hirogen on the Run!
Sherman's peak downloads K-7 and let the free reports fly. It is conceivable to get an Admiral out (at the OoP) for free, report the Starship Enterprise - download SPock OR McCoy. Then RRD Kirk, report Lt. sisko for free and report Nurse Chapel for free. Once you get Scotty, Bashir, Dax and O'Brien, let the downloads begin.
The OS personnel are truly miracle workers. Plop down a few Lt. Grants and you don't have to worry about random selections!
This deck has won me more games than ANY other! Email me with questions.


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