Fast Fed's Frenzy
From Sir Yoda : SirYoda@msn.com
May 1997
This is a deck built around the skills ENGINEER, Astrophysics, and Physics. It is an effective Federation speed deck when used properly and has done me some good in tournaments. Good Luck!
Artifacts (3)
Horga'hn (Inside Cryosatellite)
Lakanta (Inside Cryosatellite)
Doorways (2)
Alternate Universe Door
Q's Tent
Dilemmas (13)
Parallel Romance
Female's Love Interest
Matriarchal Society
Shaka, When The Walls Fell
Chinese Finger Puzzle
Security Precautions
Tarellian Plague Ship
Tsiolkovsky Infection
Outpost Raid
Borg Ship
Inside Q's Tent (13)
U.S.S. Enterprise
Jean-Luc Picard
Wesley Crusher
Genetronic Replicator
Revolving Door
Nutational Shields
Red Alert
The Traveler: Transcendence
The Devil
Plasmadyne Relay
Federation Outpost
Missions (6)
Investigate Disappearance
Explore Dyson Sphere
Test Mission
Repair Mission
Study Plasma Streamer
Pegasus Search
Outpost (1)
Personnel (14)
Commander Data
Beverly Crusher
Montgomery Scott
Katherine Pulaski
Geordi LaForge
Beverly Picard
Rachel Garrett
Roga Danar
Albert Einstein
Sonya Gomez
Soong-type Android x2
U.S.S. Galaxy
U.S.S. Nebula
Interrupts (13)
Scan x2
Palor Toff x4
Kevin Uxbridge x3
Q2 x2
Amanda Rogers x2
Doorways (6)
Q's Tent x6
This deck focuses on the skills ENGINEER, Astrophysics, and Physics (You may wish to use Timicin in place of Commander Data in your deck). Each mission used is a space mission which uses one or more of the above skills with exception of the Pegasus Search. Get Wesley, Picard, and Jo'Bril from the Tent early and finish off the Pegasus Search and Study Plasma Streamer. Then with some carefully placed seed cards (such as the cryosatellite and the Cytherians) finish off the game with twenty more points (or just get another mission).
This is a very simple Federation speed deck that works well if used correctly. Use the suggested dilemmas to form some considerable "line-ups" to thwart your opponent. You may even wish to take advantage of the Revolving Door in the Tent early to keep your opponent from using his tent.