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The Fabulous Federation Fast Deck!
From Josh L. :
June 1997

After coming home from a tournament with a rather disappointing finish I knew I had to speed up my deck. I so rudely discovered the the lone Enterprise cannot withstand the artillery fire from a half dozen K'vorts or Science Vessels. And should I be lucky enough to take a K'vort down with me, all that dies is a stupid Klag or two.

An Enterprise stocked with notable characters is not exactly a fair trade for a K'vort and a Klag right? Instead of trying to beef up my ships and outposts and declare war on my opponent (you can't fight fire with fire) I decided that I wasn't going to stick around for a fight, I was going to run in Federation style. I was going to win before my opponent could blow me up. I have come up with.....


Artifacts (1)

Betazoid Gift Box

Missions (6)

Engineering Mission
Explore Black Cluster
Investigate Disappearance
Study Nebula
Restore Errant Moon
Evaluate Terraforming

Dilemmas (18)

Coalescent Organism
Borg Ship
Alien Parasites
Shaka When the Walls Fell x2
Cardassian Trap x2
Armus Skin of Evil x2
Tarellian Plague Ship
Q Flash x5

Outpost (1)

Federation Outpost

Q-Flash cards (31)

Penalty Box x4
Mandarin Bailiff x5
Aldebaran Serpent x3
Scottish Setter x4
Guilty - Provisionally
You will in Time
Door Net x2
Into the Breach x4
Go Back Whence Thou Camest x2
Amanda's Parents
His Honor, The High Sheriff of Nottingham x2
Tijuana Crass

Q's Tent cards (13)

Kevin Uxbridge
Klim Dokachin
Soong-type Android
The Traveler: Transcendence
Federation Outpost
Red Alert
Q Net
Nutational Shields


Personnel (17)

Jean Luc Picard
William T. Riker
Beverly Crusher
Geordie LaForge
Neela Daren
Tasha Yar
Keiko O'Brien
Jenna D'Sora
Richard Galen
Tam Elbrun
Montgomery Scot
Roga Danar
Dr. Reyga

Doorways (4)

Q's Tent x4


USS Enterprise
USS Yamato

Interrupts (4)

Kevin Uxbridge
Distortion of Space/Time Continuum
Amanda Rogers
Temporal Rift

Events (2)

Red Alert!
Kivas Fajo

Equipment (2)

Medical Kit
Plasmadyne Relay

Try and seed all your missions in a row if your opponent will let you. Keep placing your missions next to each other until he/she interjects with one of theirs.

Place the Betazoid Gift Box (BGB) under the Evaluate Terraforming, and seed it (BGB) last. Your opponent will not know under which mission you are seeding your artifact and since "Restore Errant Moon" is slightly easier (it looks), he will focus the dilemmas here thinking that is where the artifact is hidden.

Put your outpost on Evaluate Terraforming and get rid of all the dilemmas by hopefully red-shirting past them (it is okay if a few people die). With personnel like Beverly Crusher (she can do the mission by herself) and Keiko O'Brien and Richard Galen (all they need is a medical) this mission should not be too hard.

With the BGB, take out Scotty, Plasmadyne Relays, and Distortion of Space/Time Continuum. The Relay and Distortion will really speed you up. After the Terraforming mission, head for the Repair Mission and Investigate Disappearance (don't waste the Distortion for this mission's long range requirement)

With Scotty, you most likely will have the stuff for the repair mission. Astrophysics x3 for the Investigate Disappearance won't be too far behind either. For Lal, choose from these skills, Astrophysics, Engineer, Stellar Cartography or Security. These skills will help most with missions and overcoming certain deadly dilemmas.

Q's Tent : The first thing you should grab (discard the first doorway) is the red alert of course. If you already drew one then go for the traveler.

The Q Net is important against the Kill Decks so try to get that quickly as well, but make sure the Q2 is not far behind to help protect it.

Nutational shields is only a last resort. Do not feel like you need to immediately grab it. It is only necessary when your opponent successfully slowed you down and you are in for a good battle

Sometimes it is helpful to build an outpost under the Repair Mission before you attempt it. This will protect against a Borg ship and will then be the base from which you move on to the Investigate Disappearance.

Maques is only there to team up with Tam Elbrun (or even Lal!) and overcome a Frame of Mind or two.

For the Soong Type Android (STA) Definitely pick Security since that is what is least in the deck. Gender doesn't matter, this is an equal opportunity deck.

Surprisingly there is an exocomp in here. It is only to add another engineer, but more importantly repair your ship if your outpost was to be destroyed.

Dilemmas : The Q is Very Crucial. If your opponent cannot overcome, rearrange the spaceline so his outpost is at one end and yours is at the other, this will protect you for awhile by keeping many of their ships away.

Also try and remember which of his missions holds the Borg Ship and seed it so that his end is the Far end of the Space line.

Against Romulans, Firestorm->Alien Parasites is pretty useful. Either have all his Romulans battle the NA on board or hope he has a Tal Shiar Present!

In general though, this is a killer: Shaka when the walls fell (demands a few people present) Yuta (memorize Major Rakal, K'chiq, they have empathy) Cardassian Trap, Tarrelian Plague ship/Armus Or Tarellian Plague ship (most medical have exobiology), Coalescent organism , Shaka.

Well that is the best advice I can offer to you towards my deck. Good luck with

it and most importantly have fun with it (this involves the winning part of the game) If you have questions, comments or even tips for my deck, I would love to hear them.

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