[main navigation][star trek main navigation][Image] [side navigation] [side navigation] Fed/Space Deck From David Bowling September 1996 Question 1 - What type of deck are you most likely to encounter in a national tournament? Answer - A Federation Speed deck. Question 2 - How do you beat a Federation Speed Deck? Answer - To quote Wesley of COTD fame, "With a faster speed deck!" Thus my goal: To develop a Federation Speed deck that was fast enough to beat mostspeed decks and yet focused enough to minimize the possibility of other Federation decks getting to my missions first. SEED CARDS DRAW DECK Missions (6) Personnel (14) Explore Black Cluster Beverly Crusher Fissure Research Data Investigate Disappearance Jean-Luc Picard Pegasus Search Jenna D'Sora Study "Hole In Space" Morgan Bateson Study Nebula Neela Daren Rachel Garrett Dilemmas (14) Wesley Crusher Worf Borg Ship Dathon Cytherians Dr. Reyga Barclay's Protomorphosis Jo'Bril Disease Roga Danar Edo Probe x2 Vekor Frame of Mind Outpost Raid x2 Ships (2) Q x2 REM Fatigue Hallucinations USS Enterprise Shaka, When the Walls Fell USS Galaxy x3 Events (6) Artifacts (2) Kivas Fajo x2 Betazoid Gift Box Red Alert! x2 Cryosatellite The Traveler: Transcendence x2 Outposts (2) [Image] [Image] Interrupts (9) [Image] Federation Neutral Distortion of Space/Time Continuum x2 Other (4) Kevin Uxbridge x3 Palor Toff x2 AU Door Q2 x2 Beverly Picard Major Rakal Other (1) Lakanta AU Door Playing Tips: First I start with 6 space missions to minimize the effectiveness of my opponents dilemmas. Next, Rakal lets me seed two outposts, so I focus the game on accomplishing two missions. Seed Outposts under Explore Black Cluster and Pegasus Search. Explore Black Cluster is my first mission, so I seed a Cryosatellite with a Betazoid Gift Box, Beverly Picard, Rakal, and Lakanta under the mission. With 5 Leadership and 4 Stellar Cartography in my Draw Deck, I will usually be able to solve the mission before my opponents, even if they can solve the same mission. After completing the first mission, I use the Betazoid Box to make sure I have Jo'Bril (my Treachery for Pegasus Search), an AU Door (innoculation against Temporal Rifts), and at least one Distortion of Space/Time Continuum in my hand before I start traveling. I then pick up a Cytherians (using Lakanta as a shortcut) and make my way to my second outpost at Pegasus Search. If everything goes well, I solve Pegasus Search and get 100 points. (Explore Black Cluster = 35 + Cytherians = 15 + Pegasus Search = 50). If I need more points, I go after my conveniently seeded Barclay (10 pts) or possibly one of my other missions. My Event and Interrupt selections are geared towards getting cards in my hand fast and having my Red Alert float before my opponent. The other key to this deck is the dilemmas. I simply developed a dilemma strategy geared towards slowing down my deck. One of the most important aspects of playing this deck occurs when seeding dilemmas, especially when you are playing other Federation Decks. [back to the top][Decipher Inc.][go to the lobby] [Decipher Copyrights] text map