by Taibak |
What comes to mind when you think about the Dominion? Invading the Alpha Quadrant and waging war on the solids. Now, what comes to mind when you think about the Dominion in game terms? Colonies and Black Holes. Somehow that just doesn't seem right. However, it is possible to build a workable Alpha Quadrant invasion deck with the Dominion, but it will take a little work. That said, he's a deck that should give you some ideas as to where to begin.
Draw Deck:
Personnel: Ships: Facilities: Equipment: Events: Interrupts: Doorways: Q's Tent: |
Seed Deck
Missions: Doorways: Facilities: Sites: Events, Objectives, and Equipment: Dilemmas: Lethean Telepathic Attack Hippocratic Oath Navigational Hazards Unscientific Method Yuta |
The Seed Deck:
The invasion begins here. Intelligence Operation and Rescue Founder will give you plenty to do if you can't get a Bajoran Wormhole from your deck or if the Wormhole closes, trapping you in the Gamma Quadrant. The other four missions are there for your invading pleasure. For each facility, there's only one location where you can seed each of your facilities, which admittedly makes The Sheliak a problem if your opponent is paying attention. Also, I know you're thinking I'm insane for using Empok Nor with the Dominion (and you're probably right, all things considered), but you do have ways to protect it. The key is to not seed a docking site. That way, unless your opponent is either also using an Empok Nor deck or has a spare docking site on hand, he won't be able to get aboard. The dilemmas are pretty standard: just try to take out as many personnel as possible through attrition before hitting them with the nastiest walls out there.
The Tent is almost exclusively contingency cards and downloads. Thermal Deflectors are there to help you deal with Thought Fires (you have no Empathy to pass it) and Firestorms (which are quite capable of eliminating most of your personnel -again redshirt if possible). The Great Link is there in case The Sheliak decide to show up at Rescue Founder and take out your sole means of reporting ships, Vorta, Founders, and unique Jem'Hadar. The dilemmas are for Q's Planet, the Security System to protect your interests aboard Empok Nor, Goran'agar in case you need another Jem'Hadar or his support skills. The Traveler in the tent is a spare in case the one in your draw deck doesn't come up or is nullified. Everything else in the Tent is a download, with two key exceptions. The Kira Founder is for Empok Nor, although you can download her with Shape-Shift if needed. She and the O'Brien Founder are the only two personnel in the deck who can Process Ore without going through withdrawal and they can each commandeer Empok Nor without any help. I recommend letting her do the work since the O'Brien Founder is more useful with your missions. The other exception is Borath. He's probably the best support personnel in the entire Dominion affiliation thanks to his MEDICAL, Exobiology, SCIENCE, Cybernetics, and species. You should try to Tent for him and get him into play as soon as possible, especially if you need to attempt Rescue Founder. Actually Playing This Deck Anyway, good hunting! Taibak |