Survey Star Systemsx2
Intelligence Operation
Quest For The Sword
Colony Preperationsx2
Seed Deck(30):
Primary Supply Depot w/ 3 ketracel white
The Great Link
HQ:Secure Homeworld
Subjugate Planetx3
Issue Secret Ordersx2 (never know, have fun with it;-))
Dilemmas(18, by combo):
Friendly Fire
Mission Fatigue
Berserk Changeling
Mission Fatigue
Friendly Fire
Berserk Changeling(I know they’re the same but hey, I like this combo;-))
Duonetic Field Generator
Surprise Assault
Friendly Fire
Arms Deal
Berserk Changeling(notice a pattern??;-))
Vole Infestations
Isolinear Puzzle
Navigational Hazards
Berserk Changeling
Friendly Fire
Chula: Pick one to save two
Now, the missions I have in this deck are there only so that I can complete them with subjugate planet, I plan on redshirting my Jem’Hadar to search and destroy the dilemmas that are placed underneath. I’ve got three Subjugates in there as well as two secret orders. I only have the secret orders just in case I want to force my opponent to do something he normally would never do.;-) Also, since I have Colony Preps in my deck, I might want to put Colonies in my draw deck to help speed up the points per turn. If you add Colonies to this deck, though, you’ll have to really watch out for Intermix Ratio. The dilemmas I chose for this deck are from DS9 only because I really like the ones that in DS9/Dominion, they really hurt your opponent in mean and nasty ways, like Berserk Changeling which doesn’t go away unless you can meet the requirements. That’s my favorite dilemma from Dominion, I think. I think that these dilemmas really work well with a Dominion Gamma Deck because not only do they really injure your opponent’s ability to complete missions, but since all your missions are in the Gamma Quadrant, your opponent probably can’t go and attack your ships/outposts etc, in revenge.
As you can no doubt tell, there are no artifacts in this deck, for a very good reason, I think. The Dominion don’t like to examine relics of the past, they like to conquer the present, and then take anything that they want away from the races that they have conquered.
Now on to the main portion of the deck, the draw deck...
Draw Deck(40):
Flight of The Intruderx3
Jem’Hadar Disruptor Riflex3
Jem’Hadar Attack Shipx3
Kira Founder
Founder Leader
Martok Founder
Leyton Founder
O’Brien Founder
Lovok Founder
So, here’s the main portion, the "cheese", of the deck, so to speak. Let’s break it down into it’s logical, and I believe balanced, portions.
I chose to have three Flight of the Intruders as my only interrupts in this deck for the reason that I’ll only really need them for when the Founder(s) get exposed on the opponent’s ships/outposts, etc... I like this card also, because it gives that Founder the option of being either placed under "house arrest" or to be brought back to my hand without the opponent ever realizing that the Founder was infiltrating the ship, etc...in the first place.;-)
I chose these two different equipment because, this is what helps to keep my Jem’Hadar from failing to complete their objectives of conquering their planets that the objective targets.
I chose to only have three ships for the reason that I’ll only need the minimum in which to carry around a bunch of Jem’Hadar and Vorta, and occasional Founder to the planets that they will Subjugate. And, they are all downloadable from the Spacedoor on the Primary Supply Depot. One more thing about the ships, I chose the attack ships because they are very easy to staff, only one staff ability icon, I believe.
I chose each personnel because I knew that sooner or later, I’d start to run out of Jem’Hadar with which to Subjugate planets with. So, I added about ten Jem’Hadar soldiers to the amount the I had already. I also added more Vortas so that I can keep the Ketracel-White rationed so as to not have it all count down when there are ketracel-white personnel present.
So, I know that this is only an experimental deck, but I believe that anyone who wants to could make this deck into a real kick some(choose affiliation) butt deck. Have fun with it, maybe try out this deck yourself, and if you want to, send feedback to me as to how you think this deck would be able to reach higher potential.;-)
Signing off.....the Green Knight....email@ thegreenknight10@hotmail.com