Draw Deck (66)
Doorways: (14)
Q's Tent *5
Transwarp Network Gateway *9
Objectives: (3)
Establish Tractor Lock
Establish Gateway *2
Regenerate *2
Adapt: Negate Obstruction *6
Awaken *5
Ships: (11)
Borg Cube
Borg Scout Vessel *10
Seven of Nine
Countermeasure Drone *6
Survey Drone *10
Assault Drone *5
Multiplexor Drone

Seed Deck (30)
Missions: (6)
Investigate Sighting
Cloaked Mission
Secret Salvage
Intercept Renegade
Explore Typhone Expanse
Investigate Raid
Other Seeds: (10)
Space-Time Portal
Q's Tent
Borg Outpost
Complink Drone
Establish Gateway *2
Engage Cloak
Fair Play
Service the Collective
Cryosatellite/Tomalak of Borg/Betazoid Gift Box/Dead End
Odo's "Cousin"/Flaxian Assassain/Clan People
Primitive Culture/Founder Secret/None Shall Pass
Chula: The Chandra/DNA Clues/Hippocratic Oath/Barclay's Protomorphosis Disease
Unscientific Method/Interphasic Plasma Creatures/Maglock
Friendly Fire/Common Thief/Berserk Changeling
Q's Tent: (13)
Borg Queen
Assimilate Planet
We Are The Borg
Assimilate Homeworld
Masaka Transformations
Adapt: Modulate Shields
A Change of Plans
Salvage Starship
Eliminate Starship
Launch Portal
Engage Shuttle Operations
Hasn't changed much since the original incarnation of the Scout Swarm deck so long ago. Establish lots of Gateways. With the advent of Tomalak of Borg and Engage Cloak however, the possibility of your scout ships getting picked off has been greatly reduced. Simply cloak the cube, and wait for your opponent to attack a scout. The instant they do, simply disengage the cloak on your cube, move to where they are, and Multiplex the heck out of their ships who dared to interfere with the collective. :-) Tomalak can also be used with Service the Collective to make the Scout deck even more insanely fast.
Simply seed the Cryo at one of your opponent's space missions near the edge of the spaceline, and use the BGB to get the cards you need into your hand quickly. Get your cube out quickly, and scout the rest of the space missions as fast as possible. It's as easy as that.
Possible Additions/Changes to this deck:
- Reduce the number of Scouts/Survey DronesYou could probably get away with a lower total number, perhaps six of each and a reduction of most of the other cards in this deck to make the draw deck smaller (say 2-3 assault drones, 4 Adapts, maybe even no Awakens, fewer Gateways etc.) I'm not sure whether this would work out better or not, I preferred to have a large padding for the number of cards so I wouldn't run out of probes.
- Add We Are The Borg and the Borg Queen to the draw deck and simply pull them with your BGB. Use the Queen to download Seven of Nine, and you're rolling. Intermix Ratio Because against an armada deck, you might lose the cube, and a ton of scouts.
Ways to beat this deck:
- Self seed the Cryo mission It could slow this deck down somewhat, although as we all know the Borg are an almost unstoppable juggernaut once they get going.
- Speed Kind of skimpy in the dilemmas department, a well constructed mission solving deck would hurt this. Blow stuff up safely If you can safely withstand the attack of a cube, then you can blow the stuffing out of those scouts. It's just that most ships can't withstand the attack of a cube. :-)