24 Deck Types
by Chris Brennan
I just haven't had time to build any decks lately. And yet I've had lots of great strategy discussions at two state championships and a Grand Slam. So here's a list, in no particular order, of what I've been meaning to build. Perhaps it will inspire you.
- Klingon / Federation AMS: Start with all the Honor specialist Klingons for Bat'leth Tournament, add Fed for the other skills you need, like Exobiology, a second Biology specialist, etc.
- Ferengi Capture: With Security Holding Cell on DS9. Lots of bonus points between Interrogation and Dabo. Webmaster's Note: Throw in a Forced-Labor Camp for more card-drawing ability...
- Ferengi Colony: 13 CIVILIANS, all free to the HQ. Tempting, isn't it? Add Scanner Interference to keep people from opposing you.
- Bajoran Rinnak Pire Badlands: Easy universal missions. Navigate Plasma Storms keeps away mission theft and battle decks.
- Ferengi Recruit Mercenaries: Has it been so long that people forgot this card can download Ferengi? Webmaster's Note: Trip a self-seeded Altonian Brain Teaser to get around the point loss.
- Three-Way Treaty Secure Homeworld: I haven't tried this with the Continuing Committee instead of the Office of the Proconsul.
- PNZ with Empok Nor: All that downloading ability AND Science Lab.
- Romulan Science: With QIR for 10 and 01, Going to the Top for Creetak and Letant, this could come out quickly.
- Romulan Gamma Quadrant: Take the Scientists to the easy Gamma Quad missions. Koval lets you report there, and there's always R'Mor and Devidian Door. Webmaster's Note: You can build an outpost there and download mission specialists using AMS, too.
- Parallax Arguers / Dabo: All those events are good probes for Dabo. Make your events Recruit Mercenaries and / or Bajoran Civil War.
- Vedek Sorad / Genetronic Replicator: He's MEDICAL, he's universal, he's free at the HQ, what else is there to say?
- Fed Battle: Now that there's two Defiant Class and two Akira Class ships, build a deck around their custom tactics. Use Wartime Conditions instead of the three-way treaty.
- Hologram Science deck: Seed Newton and Brahms with AMS. There are four space missions protectable with Fair Play that you can beat with just those two and multiple Chiefs and Rices. (I'll leave that up to you to figure out. And no, I'm not even counting missions you could Espionage.) So all you need is a few non-holos to beat certain dilemmas, like Shaka and Pale Moonlight.
- Borg Add Distinctiveness: I'd like to see the Undetected Beam In - Issue Is Patriotism combo work. (Beam In two Talons, an Assault Drone, and a [Com] drone to counter Reactor Overload, and get ready to counterattack.)
- Protection Racket Anti-MEDICAL: Use Hippocratic Oath - Aid Fugitives combo, Racket as many of their MEDICAL as you can and make insane demands.
- Blood Oath Anti-MEDICAL: Or anti-whatever. Maybe combine with the Protection Racket idea, Ja'rod has Treachery x2.
- Plans of the Obsidian Order Espionage: Cargo Bay can give you a better variety of personnel than Cardies could get before, that might make this easier now.
- Pure NA deck: Speaking of Cargo Bay... In fact, all NA needed to be a playable affiliation was a little something "extra". No HQ, no VCM, no Ore Processing, no Return Orb, etc. But they can use Cargo Runs just like everyone else.
- Ferengi Return Orb: Ferengi decks usually seed DS9 anyway, use Alter Records as your Bajor region mission.
- Anti-Time Anomaly: Everyone I see downloads Brunt first turn. Fire Sculptor him after the first ATA goes off. Or use your own ATA to enable the Brunt - Painstick combo.
- Bajoran / Klingon dual HQ: Klingons have a lot of OFFICER and SECURITY at their HQ, Bajorans fill in the SCIENCE and MEDICAL for free. DS9 can download Kai Winn for the treaty if you don't want to seed it.
- Dominion Founder Shapeshift: Use Shapeshift to download the right founders at the right time. You can also use Shapeshift to return a founder to hand and then infiltrate with them.
- Cardassian Cargo Run: Play all those free OFFICERs at their HQ, use Latinum and Cargo Runs for Kits to get all the MEDICAL, SCIENCE and ENGINEER you need.
- Riker Wil + Vedek Dax: I just want to see Bajorans beat Symbiont Diagnosis some day.
Chris "Rom" Brennan
crbrennan@yahoo.com |