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"Borg Hunting" Deck
From Kenneth Tufts
June 1997

Here is Kenneth Tufts, of Vancouver, BC, Canada's tournament-winning deck design, based on "Borg Hunting." With Ken's permission, Roxanne Barbour, Star Trek Customizable Card Game Ambassador and director of the recent star Trek CCG sanctioned Swiss tournament that Ken won, sent it our way. Thanks Ken, and thanks also to Roxanne.


M1 Survey Mission
M2 Explor Typhone Expanse
M3 Seek Life Form
M4 Study Steller Collision
M5 Secret Salvage
M6 Samaritan Snare

Draw Deck

01 Kivas Fajo Collector
02 Kitrik
03 Divok
04 Vekma
05 Amanda Rogers
06 Amanda Rogers
07 Amanda Rogers
08 Palor Toff - Alien Trader
09 Palor Toff - Alien Trader
10 Q's Tent
11 Q's Tent
12 Q's Tent
13 Q's Tent
14 Q2
15 Q2
16 Q2
17 Q2
18 Q2
19 Q2
20 Brain Drain
21 Brain Drain
22 Kivas Fajo Collector
23 Kivas Fajo Collector
24 Kevin Uxbridge
25 Kevin Uxbridge
26 Kevin Uxbridge
27 Kevin Uxbridge
28 Palor Toff - Alien Trader
29 Palor Toff - Alien Trader
30 Palor Toff - Alien Trader

Seeded Outposts

O1 Klingon outpost
Seeded Doorways

D1 Q`s Tent
D2 Alternate Universe Door

Dilemmas / Artifacts / Q-Flashes

51 CryoSatellite
52 Kurlan Naiskos
53 Ja'rod
54 K'chiQ
55 Zon
56 Borg Ship
57 Borg Ship
58 Borg Ship
59 Borg Ship
60 Barclay's Protomorphosis Disease
61 Yuta
62 Barclay's Protomorphosis Disease
63 Yuta
64 Barclay's Protomorphosis Disease
65 Yuta
66 Shaka When the Walls Fell
67 Yuta
68 Shaka When the Walls Fell
69 Cardassian Trap
70 Shaka When the Walls Fell
71 Cardassian Trap

Q's Tent

81 I.K.C. Fek'lhr
82 Nick Locarno
83 Brain Drain
84 Kevin Uxbridge
85 Dr. Reyga
86 Destroy Radioactive Garbage Scow
87 Dathon
88 The Devil
89 The Traveler: Transcendence
90 Alternate Universe Door
91 Dukath
92 Palor Toff - Alien Trader
93 Distortion Of Space/Time Continuum

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