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For Cardassia!
by Chris
Are We Underestimating 2nd Anthology?
I ask the above question not because I think the arrival of Reflections
TwT has wrongly overshadowed 2nd Anthology (2A) or even because I think
the 6
premium cards found within have somehow changed the game forever. I
ask it
because I've found myself having a surprisingly easy time trading for
the 6
premium cards from the Anthology, whether via online trades or in person.
Many people seem to have the opinion of, "Well, I only play X affiliation,
I only need the card(s) relevant to that." And, at the moment, as they
only that deck, perhaps they may be right. However, down the road,
once they
become tired of that deck and want to try something else, they might
themselves wishing they'd hung onto their 6 cards.
A few things to remember: The 2nd Anthologies were not made in unlimited
numbers. Once they're gone, they're gone. Nor are they a bargain by
means. For your $30, you get just 8 rares and 6 premiums. For $10 or
more, you'll find yourself with at least 30 rares from a box of Rules
Acquisition or Premier (wb) and a great many more useful common and
cards as well.
Additionally, where a dealer might order 3 or 4 or more cases of any
expansion when it appears (equating to at least 18 boxes in their store
hundreds of packs), they're not likely to have ordered more than 10
or 15 2nd
Anthologies. On the whole, that equates to only 10 or 15 of those 6
cards appearing per store, with at least that many if not many more
of any
given rare likely to show up in packs pulled from the same store. And,
if you don't buy my math on that, there's no denying that with the
advent of
Reflections, those expansions' rares are going to get even more plentiful,
while the number of 2A Premium cards stays the same and will always
stay the
same, even if there's a Reflections II down the road somewhere.
So why are players and collectors alike not clinging to their 2A Premiums
though they were 7 of 9s? I can only assume they haven't thought through
above points and/or really fully considered the actual cards themselves.
Though they may not have changed the entire game, they've certainly
made an
impact and will likely continue to do so for years to come in ways
many of us
may not expect.
Since I'm set with pretty much all of the 2A cards I can see myself
I'm ready to point out the benefits of the 6 Premiums for 2A, some
of which
have been mentioned before (but are worth reiterating), and some of
which may
be new to you. I'll begin with what I believe may be the strongest
card for
its specific affiliation of the bunch.
Vedek Dax:
This was the third persona of Dax that we'd seen, and, oddly, it's
also the
3rd affiliation for the character. And, as much as she helped the Feds
Klingons, she helps the Bajorans even more. To get to the point: There
notably, only 7 Bajoran Engineers and 9 Bajoran Science personal. And
Dax is
the only one with both. Moreover, no Bajoran can match her cunning
from Rom - sometimes), and only 3 others have Exobiology, a skill that's
becoming more and more in demand with each expansion. Also, her
staff star
means she can pilot ships, and her Orb icon makes her perfect for HQ:
Orbs, a classic Bajoran deck archetype. Finally, she's got one other
attribute that's even rarer than anything I've listed-she's a Trill
symbiont, meaning it just got a lot easier for you to complete the
45 point
Symbiont Diagnosis with that Bajoran/Fed treaty deck of yours. Moreover,
can contribute a relevant skill towards solving a whopping 2/3 of all
available Bajoran missions, making her as integral to the Bajorans
as Odo or
Kira. I can't think of any reason not to stock multiples of her in
Bajoran deck. She's a massive boost that affiliation can really benefit
And 2A is the only place you can find her.
Legate Damar:
A lot of people reacted to the obvious with this card-Honor. And the
lack of
Engineering that can be found on his first persona. Cardassians need
as much
Engineering as they can get, let's be honest, so I can see why people
grumbling, but, upon closer look, this Damar is just as useful, if
more so, than his original. For one thing, he retains the Physics,
a skill which
only 3 other Cardies possess (as opposed to the whopping 10 that have
Meanwhile, he has a command star and Leadership (x2, for that matter),
meaning he can lead your armada into battle if you so desire, as well
as your
away teams. The Legate also reports free to Central Command, and he's
one of
only 3 Cardassians with 9 Integrity (the highest for the affiliation).
Because Damar is now Security, he also can also participate in Kidnappers,
Extradition, and some other fun Cardassian strategies (even do a little
Processing if you like). With all that's listed above, there's no reason
to have this version of Damar in any Cardy deck to begin with, but
then we've
also got a download here as well. Granted, it's one that we haven't
even seen
yet. And while there's no telling what For Cardassia! will do, it's
likely to strengthen the affiliation in some way, meaning it's definitely
early to think about trading this card at the very least. This is one
of a
couple cards in 2A that I see only getting stronger in the future.
// Editor's note: this article was written before For Cardassia! was
revealed on Decipher
Bashir Founder:
Speaking of downloads, the download on this card is what got a lot
attention right away. Supernova, one of the most potentially damaging
in the game, can enter play and destroy your opponent's armada instantly
from nowhere. It's a bold stroke by Decipher to make a dent in this
strategy and certainly an attribute. But the addition of a super-Medical
personal to the Dominion is the real value of this card to the affiliation.
The Dominion has only 5 other Medical (including the new Thot Gor),
and none
of them can even come close to matching this Founder's incredible 11
In fact, that number makes this card one of only 7 non-Federation cards
so high a Cunning. But back to the Medical. I mean the double Medical.
the Biology (only 3 other Dominion personnel have that skill). And
the Exobiology (only
5 others have that). Both of those skills are big ones in today's game,
anyone who's ever run up against Aphasia Device knows why. But that's
all. Bashir Founder gets all the benefits of the plethora of cards
affect and help Founders. I won't bother to mention his infiltration
icon, as
using this guy to infiltrate the Feds is virtually a waste of a vital
that is a huge boost to Dominion decks, especially when so many other
that will let you do the infiltration thing. No, keep this guy on your
of the table, and be sure to have an extra, to replace the one you
lose after
that Supernova.
Much more useful for the Romulans than the Federation, this is the
4th dual
Fed/Rommie card we've seen. This is, however, the first double Tal
Shiar card
we've seen and it's not likely that we'll see many more, given that
Koval is
the head of said agency.
// Editor's note: there are exactly 2 personnel with Tal Shiar x2
Tal Shiar (available on just a handful of personal)
is quite handy for the Rommies, useful for staffing the powerful D'deridex
Advanced (note Command star while we're on that topic) as well as espionage
plans and even for mission solving. And speaking of mission solving
dilemma solving), that Exobiology is awfully nice, especially considering
that only 5 other Romulans have any (including the new Centurion, an
card). As for another factor that puts him in some unique company among
Romulans, his Cunning of 9 is matched by only 3 others (including another
AU crew member, Keras). Add to that a free report to the Continuing
Committee. Oh, and don't forget-he's got a special skill as well: any
Tal Shiar may report to his location. Get this guy in play, in other
and plant him at any mission where you know you need some extra of
skill, and as soon as you get it, it reports right to that location.
Koval doesn't do much for the Feds, he's a very strong addition for
Romulans, easily as good as most Rommie mains and worth a slot in any
Luther Sloan
This is the card that most people were excited about initially, thanks
to a
special skill that is, admittedly, pretty amazing. He reports anywhere.
opponent's ship, the Gamma Quadrant, aboard a Nor, anywhere. And that's
the beginning. Sloan is a super-Security, one of 2 the Federation now
(thank you, George Primmin) and can desperately use, especially given
respectable Strength of 7, which is rather good for a Fed. His combo
of Honor
and Treachery is a rare one (only 4 other personal in the entire game
both), and I think we can all agree that you can never have enough
Skill. His Cunning of 9 is nothing to sneeze at, but it's not a big
deal for
the Federation by any means. What is, however, is his low Integrity
3--matched by just 2 other Fed personal (though why Vash is Federation,
will never know), and 2 multi-affiliation personal (including, incidentally,
Koval, who's, as we discussed, much better as a Romulan, and the Fajo
Tallera-hardly easy to come by for most players). That low integrity
getting by Lineup, Chula: The Drink, and a host of other dilemmas quite
That command icon means he can staff ships too, which is worth noting
because he can report directly to any one of them in case its commander
killed off in battle or on a mission. And then there's Section 31 x2.
this skill (even x1) is not really tremendously useful right now, it's
to assume it will become much more so as more expansions come into
play, and
Sloan will be one of very few people will have it. Currently, he's
good for
many decks, and in the future, his usefulness will almost certainly
Like Dax, we've now seen many personas of Sisko that can work for 3
affiliations, this one being Klingon. With attributes of 8, 8, and
8, he's
one of only a handful of personal in the entire game with attribute
totals so
high across the board. Many of them, though, are Klingon (including
coincidentally), so, though still impressive, that's not really a unique
advantage. On the other hand, his special skill is quite unique. It
killing this Klingon in personal battle quite a difficult thing, and
continues to be one of the things Klingons do best. Jodmos is ideal
for those
decks. And his Engineering skill makes him ideal for pretty much any
deck, considering there are so few in the affiliation (only 7, including,
once more, Dax) who have it. He's also an Officer with a command star,
is always handy, and, of note, he ties Martok for highest Cunning among
Klingon Officers and is second only to Dax (again!) for highest among
Engineers. Moreover, how long will it be before we see cards of Odo
O'Brien as Klingons and a mission for them to solve? It's easy to imagine
bright future for this card as well. But for the present, I've compared
card a lot to the Klingon Dax it seems. And, just as Dax has become
to so many Klingon decks, so should Jodmos.
Well, that covers all of them. I believe these 6 main characters are
than many rares in the game and can be solid additions to many decks.
I hope
this has convinced you of the real value of the 2A cards, both now
and as the
game goes boldly into the future. And, if not, I'm always up for trading
get a few more, so feel free to email me with offers : )