ACROSS 1. Numerical
designation of a powerful, expensive
disruptor 5. Water-based virus that
causes intoxication-like symptoms, Psi
____ 7. The year that the ship in
19 Down was thought
destroyed 9. Registry number of
prototype ship that separates into three
sections 10. Portal of the empire
of 38 Down 11. The day of Maktag
when Worf's son was born 13. The
number of years that the ship in 2 Down was
trapped in a temporal
loop 15. Cardassian militia
unit 17. A rule for how you should
treat employees 18. Thickness of
armor that 1 Across can cut through, in
cm 20. Appears on the screen
associated with a typical Captain's
order 22. Address of a fictional
detective 24. A wormhole led to
this year 26. Century of origin of
a badly-written pulp
novel 28. Paragraph stating "There
will be no legal trickery" 30. Q
made Jean-Luc Picard travel to and from this year
in his future 33. Number of
commissioners in the Ferengi Commerce
Authority 35. Arne Darvin attempted
to kill Kirk on a Friday, 105 years, 1 month, and
___ days ago 37. A hotel with a
one-way door was found on the 8th planet of Theta
___ 39. The Hirogen have hunted
prey this long (in
years) 40. Length in meters of the
6th starship to bear the registry number of 37
Down 41. The year that Data first
laughed 43. The first year that the
American flag had the number of stars in 62
Down 45. Dominion internment
camp 48. Model number of a weapon
that can hold (53 Down)
rounds 50. Registry number of a
starship named for a 20th-century
admiral 53. Number of gross of
self-sealing stembolts equivalent in value to (1/4
of 63 Down) wrappages of yamok
sauce 54. Registry number of ship
commanded by a Picard in 30
Across 55. Stardate of a scan of
the Neutral Zone that found 20 particles of space
dust per cubic centimeter 56. Borg
designation of a species that the Hirogen stalked
on an asteroid 57. Registry number
of ship briefly commanded by Fleet Admiral
Shanthi 61. Dominion warships use a
virtual-reality system to get a ___-degree view of
space 63. Age of a painting that
led to the discovery of a significant
archaeological find 64. Year that a
treaty ceded planets to an alien
race 67. The Vulcans made first
contact with the human race in this
year 68. Registry number of a ship
commanded by Benjamin Sisko 69. A
finicky cat refused more than this number of
feline supplements 70. Species of
the secondary adjunct of unimatrix zero
one 71. A famous author
time-travelled to the future to visit this
year 72. World government was
establsihed on Earth in this
year 74. An unsuccessful transwarp
drive project was launched in this
year 75. One of Kivas Fajo's stolen
paintings dates to this
year 77. Model number of a deadly
anti-personnel device nullifiable by a holographic
re-creation 78. Borg designation of
Penk's species 79. Registry number
of a starship lost while investigating the
Dominion 81. A robot commander of a
ship 82. Number of light-years
Janeway had to travel home
DOWN 2. Registry
number of ship trapped in a temporal
loop 3. Vintage of a hand
weapon 4. Number of power settings on
one model of phaser 5. Number of slips
equal to one bar 6. Starbase number
where Enterprise received systems
upgrades 7. An Enterprise was lost in
battle in this year 8. Free advice is
seldom cheap 12. A fictional detective's
office number 14. Sector containing
collapsed proto-stars 16. Damar led the
Cardassian resistance movement in this
year 18. Hour of the day that Vulcans
first entered the Sol system 19. Length
of Jean-Luc Picard's first command, in
years 21. War is good for
business 23. Sector with a mission that
has a difference between the owner's and
opponent's end 25. Opposite of 21
Down 27. Length of time that a key
Romulan senator served before his
death 29. Harmonious
particle 30. An astronaut's body was
found this many years after his death on the
planet of 37 Across 31. An artifically
created temporal phenomenon was found at this
grid 32. Geordi can zoom focus this many
meters away 34. A Romulan colony world
is located this many light-years from
Romulus 36. The last year that the
American flag had the number of stars in 62
Down 37. Most famous starship registry
number in Starfleet 38. It's been this
many years since an empire became extinct during
the last Age of Makto 41. A human
defected to Romulus in this year, and defected
back in 71 Across 42. Klingons made a
new home on a world in this grid 43. The
contact that the Federation made in this year
didn't go as well as the one in 67
Across 44. This rule tells employees how
to treat the boss 46. It was a miracle
that someone could survive in a transporter
pattern buffer for this many years 47.
Century in which the calculus was
developed 48. Another painting came from
this year 49. The ship in 2 Down was
caught in a temporal loop in this
year 51. The year that the Federation
established a "speed limit" 52. Kes cut
this many light-years off Voyager's
journey 57. The age of the Kaelonian
Resolution 58. The Mizarians were
conquered 6 times in this many years 59.
Starfleet Acadeny had the same groundskeeper for
this many years 60. A man came back from
this many years in the future to convince his
younger self to become a warrior 61.
Devastating battle with the Borg took place at
Wolf ___ 62. Number of UV radiation
spikes observed in the scan on Stardate (55
Across) 63. Doc became footloose and
fancy-free in this year 64. 51 Down – 35
Across 65. Neelix was revived from the
dead in this year 66. In this year,
Beverly Crusher had an affair that ended rather
awkwardly 71. A former crew-member in a
bad mood returned briefly to Voyager in this
year 72. A theft from the Louvre
occurred in this year 73. Still retains
its disitinctive odor since this
year 74. Starbase commanded by Riker in
30 Across 75. Shocking computer
program 76. Average crew complement of a
ship class using bio-neural
circuitry 77. The riskier the road, the
greater the profit 80. This many
temporal violations constituted being "a