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Re: Commandeering Empok Nor ... Major Rakal ... [3/14/99 20:14]
>>reading the post a few lines down reminded me,
>>can you make a commandeering attempt at Empok Nor without computer skill?
>>the dominion rules just say "away team in ops", but i've seen it played both ways.
>This exact question came up in the last game I played. We decided that you did not need Computer Skill, based on the rulesheet which you quoted above, and the fact that you dont need mission requirements to attempt a mission. The rules are not very clear though, perhaps an official ruling would be good.

The way I read the rules sheet, Computer Skill is not required for encountering and resolving the dilemmas, just as you don't have to have the mission requirements present to attempt a mission (well, not unless you encounter Lack of Prep). The rules sheet says "Once there are no longer any dilemmas to be encountered, any player's Away Team may commandeer Empok Nor normally." That implies that encountering the dilemmas is a separate action from actually commandeering.

Jolan tru,

Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)

Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer and Tal Shiar Agent

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