Search For Weapons
by Frank Miller
What a great mission for your Bajoran Armada deck! Search For Weapons can be completed by Colonel Day working alone or by Rinnak Pire and a good treachery companion such as Suna or Vedek Winn. Use Search for Weapons in multiples to form a Demilitarized Zone Region that your Bajoran Interceptors can zip through, threatening anyone who would dare steal that mission from you.
Combos: Search for Weapons + Rinnak
Pire + Bajoran Interceptor -- Bajoran Interceptors are best in regions. The interceptor's matching commander, Rinnak Pire, also meets two of the three mission requirements for completing Search for Weapons.
Search for Weapons + seeded Hand Weapon + Colony
-- Build a colony in the demilitarized zone to score some extra points while securing your position with the help of your seeded hand weapon.Search for Weapons
By: Decipher Product Development
Search for Weapons, like the other premium missions in Starter Deck II, is designed to facilitate playability in an SD2-vs.-SD2 game, as well as providing useful and interesting features in all game environments.As our first five-affiliation-icon mission, this card definitely breaks some new ground -- and should settle a few standing bets about whether we'd ever get to five! Because it has a universal icon and is in the Demilitarized Zone region, Search for Weapons allows you to build a DMZ as large as you like. Combine it with Intercept Maquis from the Deep Space Nine expansion set for a Cardassian theme deck.
Another unusual aspect is the ability to seed hand weapons here like artifacts. Although you can't seed duplicate copies, you're free to seed two or three different weapons here for a nice little payoff at mission-solving time!
Search for Weapons + Cardassian Disruptor + Cardassian Disruptor Rifle + Varon-T Disruptor + Kressari Rendezvous: "find" a weapons stockpile in the DMZ, then deliver the disruptors to Kressari agents for extra points.Search for Weapons + Search for Weapons + Search for Weapons + Search for Weapons + Intercept Maquis + one other space mission: Nice little Cardie DMZ deck that's safe from Balancing Act.