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Re: Major, please, I'd like your answer to the following, if possible... ... Major Rakal ... [5/ 5/99 16:20]
>I tried to ask this question for an official response yesterday, but, didn't receive such to my satisfaction and would like your input as its' desired...
>My missions consist of 3 space, 1 planet, and the 2 space/planet ones...if my opponent's Black Hole pulls in the lone planet-only one, and I encounter an I Tried To Warn You during a mission attempt would its' second text of "or if all your missions have the same icon Space or Planet," etc. take effect as my five remaining missions each have a Space icon?
>Sort of like the way I understand if a player has 4 planets and 2 space missions with the Black Hole pulling in the 2 Space, thereby making the opponent's mission structure BE 4 Space/O planets (thus susceptible to a Balancing Act for a 50 point loss)...

Both Balancing Act and I Tried To Warn You count the missions that you actually have in play at the time the dilemma is encountered. Missions pulled into a Black Hole are discarded and not in play; missions destroyed by a Supernova are also not in play; their span is the only thing that remains.

>Which if both do effects function this way, that really is bogus/wrong!
>I don't think Decipher intended these "magic bullets" (ITTWY and BA) to be a means of hosing players in conjunction with the BH, at least I hope not!
>Rather, the 2 cards should state/imply/ or Decipher should at least redefine them in both cases "if any player began the game with... OR any player's deck at start of game consist(s/ed) of..." I would like to know what you think? What's the deal, Decipher?

Sorry, but that isn't the way it works. Using Black Hole to destroy the spaceline is a legitimate strategy.

Jolan tru,

Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)

Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer and Tal Shiar Agent

DECIPHER INC. The Art of Great Games (tm)
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