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Re: headquarters and ships ... smsisko ... [4/19/99 20:36]
>Did I miss something?
>I read with some dismay in Evan Lorentz's Headquarters article in SCRYE #6.2,
>"... since Headquarters are planet-based facilities, your ships have no way
>of docking there.  You cannot rely on 50% of your their shield to protect
>your ships as you could at a space-based facility".
>The 12/7/98 Rulebook (pg 5 - Facilities) says "Personnel, Ship and Equipment
>cards must normally report for duty to a compatible outpost, headquarters,
>site or other place that allows reporting (i.e., personnel may not normally
>be reported directly aboard a ship). Outposts and headquarters allow all
>compatible cards to report there; sites allow only certain cards to report,
>as indicated on each Site card."
>The 12/7/98 Glossary (Facilites) is rather vague about the issue. "Most
>facilities are conceptually located “in space,” even when seeded or built at
>a planet location. (A few though, such as headquarters, specify that they are
>seeded or built on a planet.) Only space facilities allow ships to dock and
>be protected by the facility’s SHIELDS."  I read that to mean the Headquarters must be seeded/built at a planet mission.

You can report Ships to the Headquarters but they cannot dock to the Headquarters, so the facilty cannot extend 50 % of it's shields...




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