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Re: Boarding a facility ... Major Rakal ... [3/17/99 14:02]
There are several things that affect whether your personnel can board an opponent's facility. Type of facility and affiliation icon of the facility are both factors, but the specific game text of the facility counts too.

1. You cannot beam onto your opponent's outpost (without a card that allows it), because according to basic rules, you may not use your opponent's outpost and you may not beam through the SHIELDS (like a ship). This applies even to the Husnock Outpost (Non-Aligned) and Neutral Outpost.

However, the Ferengi Trading Post specifically says both players' personnel may mix aboard regardless of affiliation, so this is an exception. In effect, you both can "use" this outpost (somewhat like a headquarters).

2. You are allowed to board and use a Nor according the game text of the sites. For example, you can report personnel aboard any player's Nor if you meet the affiliation and classification requirements of the site cards, and can report or dock ships if you meet one of the requirements of a docking site.

3. Both players may use (including the transporters and SHIELDS) a headquarters with compatible personnel. So I can beam my Romulans and NAs into Office of the Proconsul, regardless of who owns it. But I can't beam my Romulans into Central Command (unless I have a Romulan/Cardassian Treaty), regardless of who owns it, because they are not compatible with Cardassians.

4. Other facilities may be "used" according to their text and affiliation. The Colony says that either player may score points there at the start of their turn if they meet the requirements, so both players *are* allowed to use the Colony (with compatible personnel). The fact that Colony is also Neutral means that all personnel are compatible with it (except Borg), but you still can't take two of your Away Teams into it that are not compatible with each other (like you can't mix Klingons and Romulans aboard a Neutral Outpost).

Jolan tru,

Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)

Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer and Tal Shiar Agent

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