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Dangerous Dilemmas
by Thomas D. Scott

We've all been there. You just need one turn to win the game... you just need to stall your opponent long enough to get that one key personnel to the mission. 90-85, your favour. The game is tense. Opponent attempts a mission, and sends down one useless person at a time, blasting through all your dilemmas with his Federation mega-crew unhurt. 90-120. Their game.

So, what went wrong? Your dilemmas just didn't stand a chance against their mega-crew or their "redshirt" strategies. And chances are, the particularly nasty seeds under the mission you were attempting would have slaughtered your crew. What do you do about it? Get some decent dilemmas. In this article I will be giving all of my current secrets. At the time of writing, Blaze of Glory has not yet been released, but doubtless it will bring updated dilemmas, updated strategies and updated ideas. Have fun.

Lack of Preparation - Borg Ship - Maglock
Space Only
Anti-Redshirting: Yes
Anti-Megacrew: Yes
OK, so you're sending in a dispensable ship with Mot the Barber aboard, just to try and get through the first dilemma. Lose 10 points. Don't try that again. OK, so now your full crew is going in, using your Enterprise? OK, you get blown up. Oh, good, you've scraped together another crew. Oh, what a shame, not enough OFFICERs...Hopefully, by the time they get through this one, you'll have a several turn advantage.

Edo Probe - DNA Clues - Hippocratic Oath - Aphasia Device - Tarellian Plague Ship
Space Only
Anti-Redshirting: Yes
Anti-Megacrew: Depends on choices
There are four possible ways they could respond to this one.

  1. Continue at Edo Probe, Continue at DNA Clues.
    In which case, they'll need 7 MEDICAL and 2 Biology or everyone dies. Remember, DNA Clues stays on the mission.Hippocratic Oath, when upped by DNA Clues, takes three separate MEDICAL personnel. Then, unless they have 4 MEDICAL and 2 Biology, they're all quarantined and can't beam over to the Plague Ship. Bang. All dead.
  2. Continue at Edo Probe, Stop at DNA Clues.
    Not as powerful here. They lose 10 points, but still need 2 Biology or all die. Even in this case, if they're quarantined they still die at the Plague Ship.
  3. Stop at Edo Probe, Continue at DNA Clues.
    After the Probe, someone needs to complete another mission. That's a few more turns to you. Then, they need 7 MEDICAL again.
  4. Stop at Edo Probe, Stop at DNA Clues.
    Ultra-cautious. No loss of points, and only 2 Biology needed, but still several turns to your advantage.

Pup - Abandon Ship - Maglock
Space Only
Anti-Redshirting: No
Anti-Megacrew: No
Not got those 4 Computer Skill? Ah, poor you. Everybody out, out, out! Now, get past that Maglock... if you can.

Lack of Preparation - The Higher... The Fewer - Dead End
Anti-Redshirting: Yes
Anti-Megacrew: Yes
This one is powerful! You're redshirting? OK, lose 10. So, now you're not. Lose some more. Dead End? Oh, you only have forty-nine... how sad...

Chula: The Chandra - Friendly Fire
Tough one, this. It's possible to get by with universal personnel, and the Borg have no problem. Expect about 80% of attempts to fail with a bang. I hate Ferengi.

(Lack of Preparation OR Founder Secret) - Sheliak - Chula: The Chandra - Q
Planet (and especially outpost)
Anti-Redshirting: Yes
Anti-Megacrew: Spectactularly
This one is nearly impossible. Wall leads to large number of people on planet. Sheliak leads to impending destruction. Chula leads to failure of Q just put the planet in front of the Sheliak (note: not underneath it) and boom! Bye bye points, people and oh, was that your outpost?

These are just some of the dilemma combos that can be employed to hurt your opponent. But remember, it's only a game If your entire crew gets killed by a Borg Ship, so what? There are infinite possibilities out there...


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