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A little help, and a few links to boot. ~txt~ ... Dover ... [3/ 4/99 11:00]
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I don't know if you've already read them, but Major Rakal and Mot the Barber have written some really good articles on a broad range of topics (which include dilemmas and strategies). Some of their articles are posted here on Decipher's website (Link below).

Also, there are some other articles on Talon Karrde's website, Myrkr that you might find helpful. The URL for his page is

Another good site to go to for strategy articles is the e-zine, Where No One Has Gone Before. The URL for that site is:

As for other pages, everybody seems to have one. Phalanx has a spacedock where he reviews different ships, URL:

Sirna Kolrami does strategy quizes that challenge your STCCG skill. URL:

Siskoid has one with his encyclopedia based dream cards, URL:
And another for his Rolodex:

Taibak has a page where his articles, Taibak Takes on is archived, as well as K'Vada's excellent Q-Flash articles. URL:

Now, this isn't a comprehensive list (and I haven't meant to leave anyone out) but there is some awesome content out there, from the dedicated people who love this game. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.


>Dilemma and strategy articles would be appriciated.
>Thanks everyone,

Strategy Articles


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