Space and Planet dilemma combo's

Below you can find a list of useful dilemma combinations that I have used in the past. If you have an interesting combo, don't hesitate to mail me. If it's good I'll add it to the list.

Dilemma Combo Result, effect
Barclay Transporter Phobia (interrupt), Tarellian Plague ShipNo way to sacrify that medical
Borg Ship, CytheriansUnvoluntarily chase the Borg Ship
Borg Ship, Theta Radiation Poisoning, CytheriansChase the Borg while there is a crew
Borg Ship, Q Damaged, rearrange, destroyed
Coalescent Organism, CytheriansReminds me of that Bev.Crusher/Static Warp Bubble episode
Edo Probe, Borg ShipThe Borg Ship always stops the crew
Edo Probe, CytheriansOnly 5 points for a looong trip
Empathic Echo, Menthar booby trap, Cardassian trapCan be seeded at planet and space
Strict Dress Code, Interphasic Plasma Creatures, Nagilum May kill half of crew
Interphasic Plasma Creaturs, Rascals, Maglock Difficult to pass Maglock
Maglock, Brain Drain (interrupt), Yuta, Barclay's Proto desease Use braindrain to check out the right single SEC/MED/ENG.
Make Us Go, Birth Of Junior, Cytherians Get ENG, probably destroys ship
Make Us Go, Theta-Radiation Poisoning, Cytherians Slowly kills all crew members
Brain Drain (int.), Menthar Booby Trap, Theta-Radiation Poisoning, Maglock/Shaka Brain Drain the 3rd ENG
Cardasian Trap, Two Dimensional Creatures Excellent against the Borg
Null Space, CytheriansIt's gonna take a while
REM Fatigue Hallucinations, CytheriansAnd hope the ship doesn't accidentally stop at his/her outpost
REM Fatigue Hallucinations, Birth of Junior, CytheriansHe/she'll never get there
REM Fatigue Hallucinations, Menthar Booby Trap, Conundrum Crew may die.
Scout Encounter, Quantum Singularity Lifeforms Puts he crew a in stasis. Don't forget to put a Romulan Science vessel in your deck or tent.
Strict Dress Code, Nagilum Kill diplomat, kill half of crew
Strict Dress Code, Shaka When the Walls Fell, Hunter gangs Effective stopper, simple killer
Tarellian Plague Ship, Menthar Booby Trap, Birth of JuniorGood against small awayteams (<= 5)
Tarellian Plague Ship, Hippocratic Oath, Barclay Proto Desease Kill medical, kill crew (add Brain Drain for best effect).
Tarellian Plague Ship, Iconian Comp. WeaponFilter Vekor (anti red-shirt)
Tarellian Plague Ship, Menthar Booby Trap, RascalsGood against medical personel
Tarellian Plague Ship, Menthar Booby Trap, Tsiolkovsky InfectionGood against medical personel
Tarellian Plague Ship, Null space, Gravitic mineLet's hope Vekor gets picked (anti red-shirt)
Tarellian Plague Ship, Rascals, NagilumFilter out medical for rascals, then filter the diplomacy+strength
Tarellian Plague Ship, REM Fatigue Hallucinations, Cytherians Kills crew unless opponent passes outpost
Tarellian plague ship, Tsiolkovsky Infection, Lack of Preparation Probably not enough skills to solve mission
Tsiolkosky Infection, Birth of Junior, ConundrumTo destroy ship.
Two-Dimensional Creatures, Frame of MindAgainst empathic personnel
Two Dimensional Creatures, Q's Flash (use Where is Guinan?), Thought Fire Works only if opponent uses The Traveler
Two-Dimensional Creatures at Quash ConspiracyShip can't move, no beaming allowed
Tarellian Plague Ship, Yuta, Barclays Proto DeseaseGet the medical out of the way before finishing the entire crew,
Yuta: Fed: Bev.Picard=12, Bev.Crusher=11 (FC)=12, Pulaski=10, McCoy=13, Ogawa=9 (FC)=10
Klingon: Kahlest=7, Kitrik=7, Divok=4
Rommies: Taris=7, Takket=4
Non-alligned: Vekor=3, Sevek=6 - learn! ;)
Unscientific Method, Interphasic Plasma Creaturs, Maglock Difficult to pass Maglock
Yuta, Menthar Booby Trap, Theta Radiation Poisoning Stop ship, kill personnel.

Dilemma Combo Result, effect
Alien Abduction, Ferengi Attack Reduce cunning prior to attack
Alien Parasites, Auto-Destruct Sequence (interrupt) Say bye-bye
Alien parasites/Primitive Culture, Braindrain (int), Yuta, Barclay's proto desease Use braindrain to check out the right single SEC/MED/ENG.
Armus, Parallel Romance, Barclays Proto DeseaseStandard killer
Chinese Finger Puzzle, Shot in the Back, (Yuta), Barclays Proto Desease Stops androids, select a single MED/SCI/SEC
Female's Love Interest, Anaphasic Organism, Matriarchal SocietyFemale stopper
Female's Love Interest, Parallel Romance, Matriarchal SocietyFemale stopper
Firestorm, (Female's Love Interest,) Parallel Romance, Barclay Proto DeseaseUse firestorm to remove vekors, then parallel romance a doctor or Roga, use barclay to eliminate.
Holographic Ruse, FirestormFirestorm target is now a big away team
Hunter Gangs, Interphasic Plasma Creatures, Malfunctioning DoorFirst kill science then against strength
Hunter Gangs, Parallel Romance, Barclays Proto DeseaseStandard killer
Parallel Romance, Chalnoth, Barclays Proto DeseaseUse chalnoth to remove crusial security or..
Security Precautions, System-Wide Cascade FailureKill an android
Shaka When The Walls Fell, ZaldanAgainst diplomacy
Shaka When The Walls Fell, Firestorm, ZaldanOf all Klingons only Nu'Daq and Kitrik and of the Rommies 2 of the 3 Sela, Telak, Sirol can save the diplomats
Sheliak, QConveniently rearange the spaceline
Shot in the Back, Yuta, Barclays Proto Desease Best if no androids available
Shot in the Back, The Sheliak, Q Use SitB to kill leadership
Unscientific Method, Interphasic Plasma Creatures, Malfunctioning Door First kill science then against strength

Dilemma Combo Result, effect
Crystalline Entity, Lore Especially strong in space
Edo Probe, The Higher ... the Fewer, Q Lose points
Shaka/Lack of Preparation, Braindrain (interrupt), Yuta, Barclay's Proto Desease Use braindrain to check out the right single SEC/MED/ENG.
Scout Encounter, Undetected Beam-In, Borg Servo Borg combo: Download ship+6 crew, assimilate personnel.

Dilemma's divided into categories:

Blockers Ancient Computer
Dead End
Lack of Preparation
Shaka, When The Walls Fell
Dead End
Hologram Ruse
Lack of Preparation
Security Precautions
Shaka, When The Walls Fell
Malfunctioning Door
Matriarchal Society
Primitive Culture
Killers Yuta
Barclays PD
Borg Ship
Tarellian Plague Ship
Theta-Radiation Poisoning
Hunter gangs
Theta-Radiation Poisoning
Staller Cytherians
Radioactive Garbage Scow
Filters Don't call me Aheb
Don't call me Aheb
Parallel Romance
Shot in the Back
Most annoying Tsiolkosky Infection
Alien Parasites
Dilemma's for combo's Rascals
REM Fatigue Hallucinations
Birth of Junior
Parallel Romance
Female/Male Love Interest

E-mail interesting dilemma combo's to me
Thanks for all submissions!