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Re: End Transmission questions ... Major Rakal ... [3/28/99 22:25]
>We had a question come up today and from 3 veteran td's we had 3 different "I would have ruled ___" answers.
>The question is on the card "End Transmission".
>(but first a real easy one we've just orgotten)
>Situation: It is player A's (Bob) turn. Bob attempts a space mission and hits a Borg Ship Dilema. The dilema begis its trek toward sthe far end of the spaceline at the end of his turn. We know the Borg Ship moves at the end of the turn, but does it attack at the very beginning of Player B's (Jill) turn (thus stopping her docked ships for that turn) or at the very end of the turn on which it moved?

It attacks immediately when it moves to a new location, at the end of the turn. It doesn't ever do anything at the start of a turn.

>Now the harder question.
>(1) Bob uncovers Borg ship as above, it moves 1 mision at end of his turn
>(2) Jill does nothing & ends her turn, the Borg Ship moves another mission
>(3) Bob does whatever hes going to do on his turn (report people, attempt missions, etc..) Before he ends his turn he plays End Transmission to delay everything that must happen at the end of his turn until the end of his next turn (including card draw). Does this also prevent the Borg Ship from moving since it is a "must" end of turn action?

Yes. That move is delayed until the end of Bob's next turn.

>And if so is the Borg Ship stopped at its current location until the end of his next turn or can it move a mision at the end of Jill's turn?

It moves normally at the end of Jill's turn. End Transmission has no effect on actions occurring during the opponent's turn.

>(I guess the question boils down to which card text takes precedence the Borg Ship Dilema or the End Transmission?)

Not really; End Transmission has very specific effects: it delays end-of-turn actions from player A's turn until the end of player A's next turn. Anything that is supposed to happen on player B's turn happens normally, because End Transmission has already had its effect (delaying specific actions) and has been discarded.

>If the Borg Ship does stay put, does it "build up" those moves and then jump over missions when end transmission is expired?

No, it makes two separate moves at the end of Bob's next turn. It attacks everything at each of those locations when it gets there.

>On a diffeent topic. Can a Stage 5 Return to Farpoint also be a Regional Qualifier?

No. This is specifically disallowed in the Farpoint guidelines. A tournament may be either a Farpoint Stage 5 *or* a preliminary qualifier, not both.

Jolan tru,

Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)

Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer and Tal Shiar Agent

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