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The Responsibilities of an Ambassador of the Star Trek Customizable Card Game:

Every member of this group is considered a representative of Decipher Inc. Though this is not a full-time paid position, we do require that each member represent the game and our company to the highest possible standard.

We ask that each Ambassador inform us of his activities on a monthly basis.

Each member will run one tournament a month.

Each member will be prepared to support Decipher at conventions, shows and events taking place in their area.

Each member will regularly visit the CCG retailers in their area to encourage support of the game and obtain feedback for Decipher.

Each Ambassador's term, or "Tour of Duty," is a commitment to the standards and duties of the position lasting one calendar year.

Our preferred method of communication is by e-mail and through information made available through the web site. Therefore, Ambassadors must be able to access the site on a regular basis, and should have their own e-mail account.

Would you like to be a corps member? If you are interested, please mail a one-page letter to Tell us about yourself and your interest in becoming an Ambassador. Be sure to include your experience with the Star Trek Customizable Card Game, as well as any experience you have in running demonstrations and tournaments. We'll respond by sending you an application.

We look forward to hearing from you. Make it so!

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